I'm beginning to think romance is a lost cause..
if you're homophobic, I suggest NOT clicking on the cut below.
her name is Stephanie, and she was my second girlfriend. the only one I really count, actually. so technically my first.
she's a year older than me. we first met about the middle of my freshman year, but we didn't get to know each other until the beginning of last school year. I was closer friends with Jimmy (he's gay), and he sort-of got us together. I took this silly quiz of his online and one of the questions was "Who is your secret crush?" and I put down Stephanie, thinking no one else would see it. but it was a trick thing, and all my answers were e-mailed to Jimmy. I was mortified until he told me she liked me back.
I started talking to her online and at school, and we went on an un-official date to Starbucks and the mall. we made plans for Halloween, and she came with me and some friends to go trick-or-treating. we held hands the entire night, and five days later I wrote her a poem and asked her out. she said yes, obviously.
on our one-month anniversary I gave her orange-and-pink roses.
sundays became our date days, and we hung out downtown a lot. once we went back to her house and she and her littlest sister tried to teach me how to play pool. we watched the second Matrix and just hung out. she's semi-closeted, so at her house I had to be straight. but that was okay.
she bragged to all our friends about on our two-month.
I invited her to my sweet-sixteen, where she gave me beautiful black jewelry and our first-and-only kiss.
for Christmas we went to see Big Fish. I gave her silver star earrings, a Legolas shirt, a set of LotR pins, and a Ninja patch. she was ecstatic.
our three-month was slightly awkward. and then she broke up with me the next day. she never really told me why.. last wednesday would have been our nine-month anniversary. sad how you remember those things.
but hey, you know what they say: you never forget your first love, no matter how hard you try.
and I never did get around to taking down those pictures of us from the wall above my bed.
on our two-month:
her senior picture (taken about a month ago):
we basically stopped talking to each other after the break-up, which hurt a lot. she wouldn't even look at me for the longest time. we had a couple of conversations around finals, and she just recently left me a note in my lj.
for a few months I was really holding out for us to get back together. but it's not going to happen. and I'm moving on.
sorry if I've brought you down with my lesbian sob story. I don't normally talk about my past relationships, so when I do, I tend to go overboard.