Jun 12, 2011 07:51
has been bloody marvellous today! woke up at 3.30am, realised pretty quickly that that was it for sleep at that point so took my book, my glasses, beryl and myself and went off to the living room.
the plan was to sit on the couch, curled up in blankets and read myself back to sleep without waking KD, BUT! as the book i'm currently 'reading' is 'we need to talk about kevin' and i keep putting it back down and choosing something else to read as i am NOT enamoured with it, i ended up doing the following instead:
went online
played GOT
posted lots on FB
posted on GB
caught up on slutwalk photos to date
found one with me in! :-D
took my pill
had two mugs of roobois
had very nearly two pints of water
did the dishes
sorted out the recycling
tiding up a bit from last night
removed the wii and all its bits from this computer, ready for reattaching to the big tv
watered the plants
got VERY excited at seeing my first geranium flower bud :-D x 7
took photos of plants
posted again on GB
had breakfast <-- still happening
pondered going back to bed
changed my mind
decided to write to mum once i've finished my muesli