(no subject)

Jan 02, 2005 13:30

sometimes u get to a point in life where your house isnt really your home
this has happened to me, my houses are where i go each week, and its whereall my stuff is... but the sense of home was gone long ago, i dont feel at home anywhere, the closest thing to it is my car, i keep my most important stuff in it, and am in it too much.
this is a weird feeling, because everytime that i say, im gonna go home, im at for the 10 minutes i am in my car, then i get to my house and a lot of times, i just sit there in my car for a few minutes doing nothing.

life has changed
last year i was consumed by my faith and god's love
this year i question my faith every day

ive heard so much this year that i hang out witht he some people too much, but the people who tell me that do the exact same thing, i dont exactly see whats so wrong with having a couple really close friends. i do hang out with a larger group of people on a regular basis, but the fact that i have the most fun with a certain few isnt a bad thing, i mean my 2 best friends are my 2 co-band members, and so we like to hang a lot

the strangest part about my whole situation is this:
i am the happiest i have ever been
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