Written in Lingen, August 13th
Sometimes even lions have their sentimental moments - and I've used the one I had today to give my secretary my photo album. She thinks I should share it with you because I am not only a beautiful adult lion, but was once a super cute baby and a very handsome youngster.
What do you think?
My human needs a lot of cuddling. Since he's had me, I've always provided it for him.
Well, okay - all my life, I've been a bit of a show off. These were indeed my milk teeth. Nevertheless, I already knew how to use them - or better yet, not to use them. At least not with Martin. Just look at his arms: although he lived with me, he got away unscratched and was never bitten.
When I was a baby, Martin took me with him wherever he went - even to restaurants. I always showed impeccable manners there, eating my steaks without ruining the plates, never destroying any furniture and trying not to scare other customers.
Unfortunately, I'm not allowed in restaurants anymore. Martin says he knows that I can behave, but he supposes the other guests would become rather nervous if he appeared with a full-blown lion on the leash. Besides, I am a bit too heavy for a normal chair these days.
The pretty, spotted lady behind me is Diva, Jana's Dalmatian dog. We always played very nicely together. Who says lions and dogs can't stand each other?
Lions need a lot of of light and sun to grow up healthy. Hence Martin always put me under the solarium in winter. I liked that a lot - and it shows, doesn't it? I've become a real gem.
Bathing day for little Tonga: I love swimming and enjoyed it very much when Martin took me to the river Weser for a swim. Only nowadays he can't do that anymore - just imagine people's faces if he'd come to the strand with me!
As a white lion one must always pay attention to keeping really clean and properly groomed. Therefore Martin always washes me and, while doing so, we cuddle. He needs that, you know.
Just between men: Martin and I talking confidentially. We always have a lot to talk about and besides, he's my best friend and I'd never betray his secrets.
All photos (c)Frank J. Keller/Circus Krone
Translation from German: Sibylle Luise Binder and Lisa Vooght