Jul 26, 2010 18:48
I love being jumped. But I acknowledge I play some damn anti-social or otherwise off-putting bastards. They need love too. :( Also, I should warn, it is INCREDIBLY DIFFICULT to play said anti-social bastards off non-commital responses. Action tags? Fine. Brief responses? Maybe. Little to no reaction? No. I just can't do it. Because they are the types that will up and leave a conversation. They're pissy. That said, the others can play off anything. I shall differentiate between the two with an asterisk in front of the name. o/
Setsuna: Rambunctious teenager who is possessed by a female angel and in love with his sister. Setsuna is an ass most of the time and loves teasing the hell out of people. But he can also be really insightful and works to help people out. This can be a problem, as he also lacks tact. Setsuna's other big thing is fighting, which he is very good at but tends to avoid using his full potential because it is just a tiny bit god-mode. Overall, Setsuna just likes having fun.
*Lelouch: I put Lelouch in the off-putting category because he can be fairly closed but he's more likely to put up with people for longer than the other two. Anyway, supergenius teenager with a dark streak, black humor and critical attitude. He's also an information-whore and constantly seeking data. As both a royal and a former terrorist leader, Lelouch has a certain skewed view on things but can also be nice and helpful if he likes you or if you're young/innocent. He loves chess, politics, the arts and innovation. Lelouch also fails against cute and hormones if you're looking to disarm him quickly. But I also love people who can get on Lelouch's last nerve or serve as a potential threat. Lelouch has some trust issues so he tends to blend both distance and casualness with people he doesn't know too well. Oh yes, and depending on the situation, he may be lying to you. He's very good at that.
*Zero: Vampire who kills other vampires. Hates vampires/demons/non-humans. Is fairly quiet and can be moody if you press the wrong buttons. If you're a vampire, he's probably going to treat you pretty crappy. Prove you a decent person and you might earn some consideration. Otherwise, Zero is professional and set on find out about things/people. As much as Zero snarls at people who poke his issues, I love it and encourage it. It's the only way he'll learn. He needs people to force him away from his darker side. Zero also fails against the ridiculous and the sadfacing, especially if you're a girl.
Toboe: Adorable wolf puppy who loves everyone and loves learning. He asks questions constantly (usually about humans things since they confuse him) and will follow you endlessly if you're friendly to him. He sometimes has a grumpier side when people are mean to him without reason but he also can scare easier at times. Especially around cats and big animals.
*Kiba: Wolf who is largely indifferent to humans. He will pay attention if they're doing something that seems odd or relates to his interests of flowers, Cheza, Paradise. But he's probably one of the most detached. He also is more prone to snarling and snapping if threatened or angered. Kiba has a lot of pride in what he is. But he is also a protector at heart and will interfere if others are in trouble.
Eddie: Wise-talking, pop culture-fiend gunslinger. Eddie loves to talk and joke around but he's also pretty damn insightful. He is also very good at protecting himself and others because of his training. He's also from the 80s and is usually trying to figure out the current age. Eddie loves being needed and helping out, almost as much as he loves praise. He also has a pretty foul mouth at times and is a former drug gang runner and heroin user. As Eddie also has a wife, he may compliment but he avoids outright flirting.
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