I loved this book as much as I loved "Stage Zero," which was about Suzaku, Lelouch and Nunnally's summer together. I adore the deeper look taken of Suzaku's reasoning and especially Euphemia's. I know "Zero" is going to be BORING because of all the political jazz.
- Euphie believing Special Administration Zone will work because she honestly thinks Suzaku and Lelouch will work together
- Euphie knowing that Lelouch cares about Suzaku
- Euphie struggling with how to deal with Lelouch since he killed Clovis
- Suzaku fully intending to kill himself in battle against Chinese
- C.C. telling Lelouch to use their friendship to win Suzaku back from Euphemia/Britannia
- Lelouch realizing that Euphie could heal Suzaku in ways even Nunnally couldn't
- C.C. bitching about filling out Gawain paperwork for Raksharta
- Lelouch briefly piloting Guren. THIS IS PURE LOLZ WHEN YOU VISUALIZE IT.
- Lelouch wanting to break Euphie on the island.
- C.C. explaining that Lelouch can't understand present!Suzaku because he's still thinking only of past!Suzaku. I loved this so much.
- Euphie discovering that Suzaku didn't hate Zero so much as disapprove of his methods and believing she and Suzaku had to show Zero the right way
- Schneizel almost obliterating the Black Knights when Gawain fires on them just before the island incident
- The emphasis about how Lelouch's geass is about making the victim his subordinate and how that fucks him up wit he uses it to save Suzaku. Great focus on how Lelouch never wanted to control Suzaku. :(
- Suzaku wishing Euphie would just be like everyone other noble and treat him as a tool instead of going to him for advice/support
- Suzaku and his explanation about how a sword uses for the wrong reasons will also cut its user in return. I actually love all the metaphors/analogies Suzaku applies to his mentality.
- Suzaku pondering on Zero's knowledge about his killing his father and actually wondering if this connects Zero to Lelouch. But then forcing himself not to think about that. :(