Feb 20, 2005 00:59
I can see it coming in the air tongiht. O lord, and i've bin wating for this moment all my life. Ps2's are broken like familes and together we can fix them. Thomas good luck with everything!! The best tost of all is to your capabillities as you can tell spelling is not one of mine. But your capabillites are what drfine you and are what determine what you will get out of life. The intro for ship of fools sounds like a metallica song. A ship of fools would be ultimlty un efficte but i mean so is life lol. I ship of fools is care free and trustworthy, man natural instict is to have fun and look after one an other. Out entire life is a ship of fools! Dont turn this boat around! Rolling dice is luck, i mean what ever number you roll is based on luck there is no skill in rolling it. That like love, i mean you might think you know waht your doing and have better skill at thowing the dice that might land in a better porballiy of sucsess. Regardless alltoughter love is nothing but a gamble and a fun game to play. Your going to loose your money some times but other times you will win and feel goosd about it. One thing you got to be careful about is like dice evenutually sooner or later the house will always win and you will come out even or below. You know what great about the sun... it alwatys comes out. No matter waht happins there will always me a ginat mass of gas that will light your life and lead you to belonging. Eclipses happen and ther block out all. In fact burn your eyes if you get to close to lookin at them. One day the sun might not come out and that is what is dangourus we take it for granted. We loss what we have if we dont apreshate it! Time Time Time Time.... What is it what si time. Its a messurement of your life. I got to much time on my hands. To kill time is not murder but an exersise like no other. To commit your sefl to something is to alter and change yourself to the the needs of this activity and further become what you are ment to be. School work determines your acidemic worth but extra cirecular determines what you are and who you become don;t be afirad or inimidated by this. GRAHAM you my best man and your at the padolin you ctrazy MOFO!! In buffy the vampire slayer Sarah Michelle Geller is the hottest in season one and just gets less atractive and the seris progresiss. My mom is sad i lied to her and i am 2. AWAKE! from sleep and from denial. Denial of what you are. YOu can move the world in one way or anther. If you move it in your mind it still counts cus its insipering to make changes in this life. I can do what ever i want! I better not even though i would. You sis nothing yo make me! Im takeing a step bake so i can breath. Here the silence about to brake hear the silence when im awake. Float on. I backed my car in problems the other day, well he just drove off and it was all ok. TO ignore its tuff but needed sometimes, but nio other situation it will be the worst of ideas. you are my palm tree! Rember that conversation? DOn't you worry we can overcome what we need 2. All right and we will all float on all right?! Paper rips so do i. Life is criptic. Walk over it and it will stick toy our shoe. Forces of all kinf will rip us all apart, but i mean what is gule for? Down here under the light house, upstairs i cans ee for miles. Be a simple man. This live jornail entry was provided by various songs iwas listing to, the msn converstaion iw as having, and the boozr i drank. WORD LIFE!