Can you Bileve it most of us will soon be in grade 12. And after grade 12 we will become adults and move on with our lives. I like to think where will everyboby be in the future and this is what i think everybody will become.
He will work at the plants and love to sware at people. And marry a wife with big boobs.
Thomas will be constaly recovering from heart attack after heart attack. Regardless he will live loger than anybody else.
Pual will compete in the Worlds strogest man compitions and eventluly die due to steriod abuse.
Alma will compete in the Worlds strogest man compitions and eventluly die due to steriod abuse.
After inheriting his mothers house and his sisters large drug debts he will run a prostitution ring in down town fort mcmuray and people will only call him Nugget.
He will discover that he is acutlly Indian royalty and become Cheif of the black blood tirbe.
He will start to ware leather for no reason at all, buy a large gun, and act like a robot.
Tyson will take over a small country by force and become a dictator and evenrully start wrold war 3. But dont worry he kills himself after learning that the Buckaneers lost the super bowl and that the Avalanches died ironicly in an Avalanche.
Tim's singing carrer will become a huge succes but only in some eastern europian country. Where he will be hailed as a god.
In a terrible computer accident he will be sucked into a computer game and become a fun loving crime fighter.
Ember will become a math teacher and rule her class with an iron fist.
One day her moods swings will become so great that she will enter a rage that she connot escape and kill several thosands of people including children and nuns.
Her hate for the wold will grow so strog that she will become an evil genious and later team up with Jaleesa to take over the world.
Kaylee will win Canadian idol but during touring will die mysteriously in a plane crash.
After her trip to mexico will fall in love with a spanish dwarf.
After having a large family many intersting and halarious family situations will occur.
After realizing that his "intersting" walk could lead him to bigger and better thing he became an olmpic speed walker.
NOTE: i love you all and if any offence was taken go to hell!