The review

Jun 13, 2001 15:52

Well I have been knee deep in the shit that is vid pew.
Over the time I've gone through all the new shit for PS2
this month.

RED FACTION: 2 thumbs up. This game is the shit, that's my
word. It has that trid and true half life fell as well as
new game elements.
THE GOOD: this game looks great, plays great in one player
mode, and it will kill your ass if you don't have your head
shots down.
THE BAD: the terrain destruction is very limited and takes
to much ammo. Also and I'm being picky
there was no death match mode that let you use the
vehicles. That I know of.
OVER ALL: Violition came correct with this one and took
the bad taste of summoner out of my mouth.

DARK CLOUD: when I get my hands on those bastards at level
5 Inc I'm going to kick their ass for putting this boring
weak shit out. Zelda killer my arse. Why why must I beat
every game I play?
Well after this I'm changeing that rule...fuck butty ass
THE GOOD: what...huh...did you say something...oh
the good well the game looks good and...and...well
the game looks good. It has nice music too.
THE BAD: Do I really have time for this...well the game is
repetitive as hell. Go in the dungeon
kill for the key come out and build the town. You
do this over and over again for 15-25 lvs. By the way the
levels are randomly made every time you go in. this means
that you will see the same shit over and over and over
and...get the point.
Now people tell me how much thought could those fuck heads
have put in tolvs design. breaking weapons suck too. The
story sucks...the rush every thing at the start of the game
and tell you nothing as the game moves on, and then at the
last area they tell you every thing at once. I will kill
the bastard that wrote this. Hell in the end the story in
nothing more then a treatment.
OVER ALL: My money is gone for good.

TWISTED METALBLACK: the 20th is the day.

CASTLEVANIA: circle of the moon is just like the psone
version with out alucard. the game looks great and plays
like a dream thanks konami.
THE BAD: bad???
OVERALL: If you have a gameboy advance get this game now
or I will kill you.

ZELDA ORACLE OF SEASON AND AGES: No much to say just yet
but it is old school gae play. However
it was not made in house, big up to capcom and flagship for
this one.
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