Room of Light; Mickey's Room at the Trans [Tag Jun]

May 20, 2006 12:01

The trans hotel was a beautiful place, though laced with foreboding in every shadow. Mickey casually ignored these shadows, instead casting a polished charcoal glance at glimmering pillars and shined floors. Looking past the darkness, the place was an absolute work of art.

Up the stairs they went, circling to an arbitrarily numbered room set along just like any other. Fiddling around in a dark pocket, the mouse stopped, suddenly, reaching up to rub the back of his head with a nervous laugh. "I seem to have lost the key...," he informed, a deep grin settling across his features. Before Jun can reply, his right hand lowers, sounding off a ksssht and flashing a shimmer of golden sparkles as the king's keyblade appears in his hand. With precise aim, he points it at the lock, and the door swings ajar with a loud click.

"Please..," he offers, motioning his hand into the simple, but comfortable, room, lit warmly by a few wall sconces. "Make yourself at home." The key disappears, with the same noise with hence it came, allowing a dull golden glow to fade quietly from their vision.
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