Dec 30, 2018 21:24

I used to do big, year in review posts on this thing. But I haven't for the past few years. Mainly because, like most people, i tend to forget I have this. But 2018 is nearing and end and I have a bit of time before the sleep meds kick in. (Hopefully they kick in.)

2018 started well enough. I had an NYE gig at a restaurant. But no one came out b/c the venue did not advertise the event very well. Things at the day job seemed to be going well. Started taking Yoga and some acting classes. That was the good thing about that job, I had evenings and weekends free, for the most part. The constant mocking from a certain coworker, as well as the anxiety, caused me to leave it.

I started working as a DJ again. The new day job as cut into that, but I really love working as a DJ.

Blah blah blah, things and stuff.  End of 2018 I am still single. Haven't had a relationship in over a decade or been on a date since 2012.

2018 year in review. 
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