(no subject)

Sep 29, 2011 00:02

NAME: Dalrint
AGE: 29
JOURNAL: If dalrint
IM: Farobservr
E-MAIL: LJ messages.
RETURNING: Misfit, X-23, Rapunzel, Mystique Annabeth Chase, Mai

FANDOM: Dresden Codak
CHRONOLOGY: Between Hob and Dark Science. Just before Dark Science begins.
CLASS: Heeeero-ish.


Kimiko’s world is not very specific, in that it is implied it is in many ways similar to our own and in many ways very, very different. It’s entirely reasonable in her world to open a shop where you allow people to relive their fondest memories for a small fee, or for twin siblings to have magical powers that are mostly named after random acts of philosophy. Or for a Tiny version of Carl Jung to exist, who created Tiny Dream Analysis and lives on Kimiko’s couch. It’s the sort of place where the concept of the ‘Einstein-Rosen interdimensional bridge’ is actually the bridge on Second Street.

Kimiko, despite the strangeness of her world, is still a big too strange to really fit in. Raised by a brilliant mother and a mostly absent brilliant father, she fell in love with science early on and it has dominated most of her life. Aside from people who seem to have adopted her more than become friends with her, she’s terrible with people. She doesn’t know how to talk to them and never quite knows what to do around them.

She lost her mother when she was in her teens, something she never really got over, and used her inheritance to go through college and some of grad school, learning all the important things in life about science and psychology and everything in between. And then she opened a store using a machine she invented to help people relieve their fondest memories.

Also she was stealing those memories but she ISN’T A SUPERVILLAIN, dang it.

Eventually some travelers from an alternate future came back in time in an attempt to find a timeline that hadn’t been completely destroyed by the Technological Singularity, in which humanity advanced to the point where all their needs were granted by a massive artificial intelligence that eventually lost interest in them and refused to make them relevant again. They fought a war and ‘won’ but lost everything they had ever known, so they set out to reset it.

Kim had found the robot they used to travel in time and refused to help them, because she wants the technological singularity to happen. Unfortunately the travelers convinced her friends that she was wrong and to help them stop it from happening again, and they did.

A few days later, the time travelers returned…as TIME COLONISTS. Kim attempted to stop them and was hit by a laser that destroyed her legs, one arm, and half her face. The little robot she had found, which had cloned itself, grafted itself to her and she ushered in a sort of…technological singularity departure. The robot and the TIME COLONISTS all departed the earth, and Kimiko was left mostly crippled.

She built herself some legs and an arm and a spinal cybernetic system, her best invention ever, and then attempted as best she could to get back to living her normal, if odd, life.


Kimiko enjoys reading, writing pre-history fanfiction, building robots, and committing affronts upon nature. She is not evil, or even amoral, but she tends to…miss the obvious moral queues sometimes. When building an Artificial Intelligence, she needed memories to use as a base platform for a mind. So she began stealing memories from the customers at her store, because she needed them. It never really occurred to her that it was probably evil, and when it was pointed out to her, she wasn’t all that worried.

She’s going to give them back eventually, after all.

She was raised by her mother, who was a kind, if strange, woman who nurtured Kimiko’s love of science and the unexplained. She adores solving puzzles, exploring the nature of the universe, and building machines. She has an extremely active imagination, creating whole worlds and alternate histories in her day dreams. (For instance, what would the earth be like if two of the major extinction events never happened. Pre-History Fanfiction to the rescue!) She comes up with theories that, for instance, memories are not stored in our minds but within the objects that trigger those memories, so it should be possible to find an object with future memories and learn about the future! That sort of thing.

She is vaguely neurotic and has no idea how to function in the normal social sphere of the world, probably stemming from a combination of living in strange third world countries where her mother could do her research, and simply not being that interested in society until it was too late to learn. When she forgot her locker combination in high school, rather than admit it to anyone, she changed schools! When a boy asked her for directions, and she thought he was asking her out, she panicked and ran off…and then completely changed her entire life schedule to make sure she was never in the part of town he frequents.

If she decides she likes someone, she’ll make up elaborate, complicated fantasies about them based on any small detail she might know, and then completely lose interest when they can’t measure up to that. Frankly though, she’s much happier around robots than people.

She DOES have friends…she’s not sure how it happens half the time, but she does have them. They mostly put up her odd moments and crazy half-cocked ideas. Or the random 3 AM phones calls about the most amazing discovery ever that she just made that no one else cares about. She does distance herself from people unconsciously, dealing with a moderate abandonment problem after her father basically left, and then her mother died. But it isn’t on purpose. She just thinks humans suck because they die. …or leave.

She designed her own prosthetics, the most advanced in the world now, and is probably more comfortable with them than she ever was in her own skin. Despite this she is self-conscious of her cybernetic arm, and tends to cover it up whenever possible with long sleeves, arm warmers, and fingerless gloves.

She is not very comfortable with the Asian half of her heritage, which is why she changed her last name from Kusanagi to Ross, and goes by ‘Kim’ rather than Kimiko. This stems from her disconnect with her mostly absent father. Lots of gifts do not a parent make.


Cyborg: Kimiko is a cyborg, with a mechanical left arm from halfway between her elbow and shoulder down, a mechanical right eye that blends in very well, mechanical legs, both from mid-thigh, and significant cyber and mechanical implantation in her spine and upper back. Her limbs do not function at a level much higher than an average human, perhaps a small bit stronger, but her arm has a number of nifty gadgets in it like a voice recorder. Though these are obviously technological, they function much the same as normal limbs would, dexterity-wise.

She can plug most electronics into the jack in the back of her neck and store information on her implants…and in her junk DNA. But that’s kind of an affront to nature so she keeps it to herself.

Technopathy: Kimiko is a technopath, with the standard 'mental interaction with machines and networks' that it implies.

Physical Net Dive: Kimiko can convert from physical matter into energy and actually directly interface with machines and network systems, using transfer lines (power, phone, internet) to travel from place to place and interact with the machines along the way. She could pop out of an electrical cable or a USB jack at the other end of her trip. She needs an 'interface' point...a slot capable of accepting her energy, like a usb port or electrical outlet' and another one to 'exit' the system at the far end.



[The screen flares on to show a young woman in a somewhat revealing workshop outfit, blinking through a pair of goggles at the phone. She frowns and makes an exasperated sort of sound, then reaches up to push the goggles up her face with her silver, artificial left hand, revealing one blue eye and one electronic eye, both rolling.]


[She sets the phone down nearby, along with a rather large wrench, and keeps talking as she looks around the room.]

I go home for just enough time to start a new project and then I'm sucked back into the City? Not that I mind. I mean, how often am I really going to get to visit a parallel universe? Still not sure how that bridge functions, though. It didn't feel like an Einstein-rosen tunnel... [She glances up, realizing she's rambling, and looks a tad embarrassed.] Sorry. But it's still pretty irritating.

[She looks away, trying to gather her thoughts.]

Anyway. Uh. Hey. I'm Kim Ross, I...was here before. I don't know how long I've been gone I know time goes a bit fuzzy at the edges for people here, I'll have to find a computer. I doubt anyone remembers me. I think I-

[Her mechanical eye suddenly flares from blue to red for a moment, and for five seconds or so she is completely still and silent. And then it passes and she looks exceedingly startled.]

Eight months. I've been gone for eight months. Huh. Now how did I-

[She glances at her phone, her eye flares red again and the signal shuts off. Whoops.]

[Perhaps twenty-five minutes later, any technopaths who happen to be paying attention to the network will notice a curious intrusion poking at their systems.]

'Hello?' [It seems to say, followed a little while alter with.] This is astoundingly cool.


Kim sat on the field behind her house, trying to ignore the tears that were welling up in her eyes as she stared across the rolling grass to where the Time Travelers and her friends had just killed the Hob. Well, killed wasn't the right word...subdued. Prevented. Stopped. She'd been so...excited, so thrilled to see an actual moment of evolution taking place. The robot from the future had been about to usher in the next great paradigm shift, and they'd stopped it.

She'd been so angry she hadn't even been able to shout at them, not at first. She'd just been stunned. Just as stopped as the Hob, really. And then Dimtri had insisted on saying...something. Some sanctimonious thing, and she'd shouted at him, and he'd shouted back...

"You're insane and you're going to kill off the human race." He'd almost been calm when he'd said it, as his sister had dragged him away. That wasn't what she wanted. She didn't want anyone to die...not anyone. It wasn't her fault that humans were so...fragile. All they did was die. Or break. Or leave. This had meant an end to that. The next step. No one else would have to die.

That wasn't insane, was it? Sure, she knew she'd always been a little off. A little...less concerned with things like 'wiping out humanity' than everyone else was. But it wasn't like she was trying to be. That was just who she was. There wasn't anything wrong with that....all it meant was boys didn't want to ask her out. Or be her friend.

Damn, she'd called Dmitri a primate. She'd have to figure out how to apologize about that. Or never speak to him again. The first was probably easier, the two of them insisted on stopping by so regularly...

Still, maybe if she redid her transit schedule and then moved...

No, that wouldn't work. They'd just find out where she moved to, and then she'd be back at apologizing. Faster to just get it over with...somehow...

Maybe a muffin. People liked muffins...

She sighed, still staring at the spot where the Hob had vanished...and then nearly jumped off the ground when something tiny grabbed onto her leg. Standing there, pressed in against her knee, was a tiny copy of the robot that had just been destroyed. A tiny little Hob hugging her knee.

"Hey there little robot." She reached out, tenatively, and patted it on the head. It stared up at her with the same dumb expression the first Hob had, and she almost laughed. The time travelers had screwed up! There was still a chance!

"Come on, then. We better go inside before it rains or a meteor hits me or something. Stupid luck..."


Kimiko’s canon is a little…hard to pin down. So I’ve sort of meshed up a timeline from the storyline comics and the one shot comics as best I can.
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