May 11, 2004 22:38
Sooo, I'm real tired from pushing a lawn mower all day. I have no friends here. My back hurts. I have to work in Lansing tomorrow. All day. Did I mention I have no life and no one to talk to? Not even online? Sad people, it's real sad. I'm tired of being home, not that I want to go back to class or anything like that, but really, I got nothing to do here except sit around and watch South Park and TV Land. Won't someone please save me from the nothing I've become? No takers? Fine. I'll just be sitting here, chillin, watching the world go by...and I think I'll get a hobby...dunno what. I've got to sand, fill and treat the loft boards. Yipee, that should fill an entire afternoon. In the absence of anything of reasonable interest to complain about, I'm going to bed. Cause I gots to get up in 6 hours. Damn it.