As the end draws near...

May 04, 2004 21:02

It's been an uneventful week thus far in actuality. The Madison 202 exam was far eaiser than I had expected and with any luck I'll be able to get a nice 2.5 for my very own. I feel like an emmense weight has been lifted from my brain, but I must need remember that this week is indeed not over. In fact the work portion of the week is just getting geared up. I really do enjoy going to work but I am admittedly not overly fond of the time it takes up that I could be reading, or more favorably, sleeping. None the less the experience is important so I'l continue to put forth my best efforts. Jane shall be home soon, which is something to look forward to. We'll kind of pass each other on our respective ways be perhaps dinner can be fitted in this weekend. Hummm...perhaps I should call her at some point in time. Well, keeping with this weeks theme, my to do list reads thus...

1) revise the Mary Tudor paper so I have more sources (due tomorrow @ noon)
2) Study for Spanish cause I suck a whole lot at it, especially the stupid little fucking grammar rules that I don't understand in english let alone Spanish.
3) Attend work wednesday, thursday and friday. Be jolly with the small children. Give a shitty tour and show visitor how amazingly cool I am.
4) Return library books
5) Pack up remaining assorted garbage, decide what to do with that hairy ass rug. Proposed ideas: Keep it, Donate it, Burn it. decisions decisions.
6) Figure out what to do with the wood that's chillin on the floor of our room.
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