(no subject)

Mar 15, 2010 10:55

I just had a weird dream. It had KARR from Knight Rider in it.

In it, I met KARR (can't remember how that happened) and he brought me to school (don't rememeber why. Maybe Dreamself offered that he could hide out at her place?) After which, I met a friend of mine, who is a boy (I don't actually know any boys very much, so he's a construct of my mind. Maybe my mind is yelling "MAKE FRIENDS." at me and I don't know)

We were walking and talking on our way to class, when I noticed shouting coming from another corner. Some dude was waving a gun around, and when I peeked my head around to see who he was waving it at, it was a giraffe. About the same height as the guy. I show my friend, and the guys notice us.

I can't remember quite what happened,but we were hiding round this pole (it was made out off bricks and there were garage covers hiding us) and some of the garage covers went up, revealing this chick (who looked like the lady from NCIS: LA who looks a little like Edna from The Incredibles) I put my finger over my lip, and point to her side. When she doesn't notice the gunmen that are on that side (to be fair, they don't notice her either) I grab her and shove her into the elevator that was next to us. Then I shove the friend in there.

I think it went up, and then I saw the guys, at which point Dreamself yelled, "KIIIIIIIIIITTTT!!!" and ran off towards some sort of hall thing (I might've yelled it before that, but those sort of things tend to get muddled up in dreams). I get in the hall, which is completely empty, and notice the stage, and then the stage door.

Remembering what the back stage of my Girls Brigade group was like (bloody messy) I ran to the door and closed it behind me. For some reason, back stage looked exactly like the hall, just with some scaffolding and stuff, so I start heading towards the scaffolding. Then a guy runs in. I look at him, and notice his black tshirt has some sort of logo on it, which tells me that it's KARR (I think my Dreamself made up a logo, because trying to think of it just goes with "There was a logo. You can't remember it, because of fuuzzyness. Here, let's substitiute a monogrammed "K.A.R.R" for the logo.") so I run over and hug him.

I woke up about there, and decided I liked that dream, and decided to either get back to dreaming about it, and if I couldn't do that, daydream.

So I daydreamed, and in the daydream, I ran over to one of the exterior doors, opened it, and immediately closed and locked it because there was a gun-toter on the other side. Figured I need to hide, and spotted some cabinets under the stage area (dream geography is so annoying) that my Girls Brigade also has, and ran towards them to open and hide in them.

At this point, I was distracted by Fridge Logic (?!) hitting me about why I'd yelled "KITT!" instead of "KARR!" It goes like this: KARR wants to find KITT (I don't know why, just guessing. Maybe he said he wanted to find him in the part I can't remember?). He's in my school parking lot.  If I shout KITT, he will think I know KITT and possibly where he is, and there's panic in my voice, which means I'm in danger. Therefore, to find KITT, he should come save me so as to get me to tell him were to find KITT.

In truth, Dreamself just accidentally yelled KITT.

I'm not sure how Dreamself would've explained to him how she knows KITT, though.

I was amused by the fact that I'd managed to make Fridge Logic up, for a dream. I haven't figured out any Fridge Logic for the giraffe, though. I think it morphed into one of the gun-toters, but I dunno. It certainly disappered.

I'm hungry.

EDIT: Oh, shy, I just realised there's only about 14 hours from me being 18!!! Well, teeehchnically, it's more like almost 36 hours. I wonder how long my mum's labour with me was?
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