Jan 13, 2006 23:03
"Here's what they don't tell you about the Library... The Library is the place where people go to Die. You go in with good intentions of studying hard; but, it's a conspiracy against the student. The lights are set just dim enough to give of just the right frequency to lure the would-be studious citizen into a deep, drooling zombi-sleep...My advice, get your books from there, and get out as fast as possible."
My first days of class were pretty decent. My US Gov teacher may or may not be a hippy, but he seems to have a pretty decent hold on the realities of college life/studying. After getting my syllibi.....is that how it's spelled?....I think this semester will be tough, but have decent lectures in class, aka, well-placed sarcasm at the system. I've been drawing all day. I completed one work, and drew a funny little picture about my mafia. I feel like I'm losing my creative inhibitions as I become more aware of my world, and my self. About 2 weeks until I get my new bass... I've yet to come up with a name for it, as many musicians do, Mostly, I don't know it's gender, we'll have to find out after I play it for a while. I'm open to suggestions. lol.
Didgeridoo is the coolest thing ever!