Title: You are my Sun Chapter 6. Secrets, secrets...
thekeyholder (Brigi)
Pairing: Belldom
Rating: PG/13
Beta: The lovely
ms_belle10 :)
Summary: Matt and Dom are still in school. At first, they are not in good terms but things will evolve. *wink*
Feedback: is what I like the most! (well, after Muse and chocolate, of course! :P)
Warnings: Cursing.
Disclaimers: As
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great chapter, brigi, hope you update this again soon.
Yes, yes Dom couldn't keep it any more to him... and a serious talk is expected to follow. ;)
I'll try my best to post it asap... I have so many ideas for fics! @_@
i too have too many ideas running around in my mind. i am writing sing for absolution atm and have this really big project that will have the stories for plug in baby, knights and resistance for the first part playing in 2007, while sunburn, eternally missed, supermassive black hole and others will be for the second one playing in 2009/10. also i still have the speeddate interview and my story for united states also wants to be written. if you want to know more send me an email or pm anywhere. :P
Wooooow, Franzi, you probably have even more ideas than me! :P I'll stop complaining! :P
Sure, I own you my reply anyway... *blushes* Sorry, I'm really slow at answering them.
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