sympathetic sounds of detroit.

Jun 30, 2005 04:02

I can't sleep its 4:03 am and dave comes back today.. in less than 12 hours. i can't sleep. I am to excited. ah. I hate insomnia.. if jusy was awake I would have her give me some of her sleeping pills. to make me sleep.. I drank all the nyquil... and nothing.. NOTHING! maybe I should just start drinking coffee and trey to stay awake. gah. maybe if I masturbate? that puts people to sleep? doesn't it? works for me sometimes... I dunno.

so uh. I'm listening to the dandy warhols.. haven't heard them in ages. rahhhhahaha. it was so mugy yesterday. I can say yesterday beucase.. its past midnight and its the 30th. so it was muggy on th e 29th.. but I'm sure that nothing has changed much. 3 oclock to come now. or for everyone to wake up.. or for something brainless to come on television. I've read all my books. and I've played puinball on my phone thousands of times. my high score is pretty sweet. So I guwess noone is coming down to visit me ?? this summer? no summer break in myrtle beach? eh? anyone? no? roo.

so . i should get a new user picture.. nomore me holding a chicken upside down. there was chickens all hanging out on the side of the road today. I also saw three turkey vultures eating a possum.

I went possum kicking.. Possum kicking is a red neck thing where you get drunk get a sack and go out looking for possums at night.. when you come across one you scare it til it passes out then you put it in the sack then throw it in the back of the truck.. you see how many you can get before the wake up.

its pretty entralling for a northener like me..

when in rome I guess.

I drink a lot now. well, a lot more than I used to.. the day I told my parents I got married.. I was drunk for about 48 hours. that was .. woo dog.. that was something.

I bought a pink tanktop today from family thrift. I actually found a salvation army dumpster that I can rummage though.. just can't get cought.. its almost near the main strip in north myrtle beach. they have 2 salvation armies here.. and little thirft stores. my knick knack collection hsan't reaally gotten to much bigger.. but my macromai owls have tripled.. I foudnmd three..

I love them owls.



its 420 and the helgrans are not smoking? how awkward for me? moohahaha.. my inlaws are wicked pot heads. I don't partake.. I gave up on that years ago. years. but I have hit the cocaine since I've been here? am I lying? who knows. teeheeheee once a junkie always a junkeeee.

or so I hear. once a year.

Ew. gus just jumped on my lap and he had a very lard erection.. it was gross.. so I kicked him off. bleck. AHSLKFFSDKL COLD SHOWER EWWWWWWWWWW.
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