Feb 06, 2009 08:20
I almost never look at the Writer's Block prompts if I can help it, but today's is "Which of the seven deadly sins-sloth, greed, lust, gluttony, anger, envy, and pride-are you most likely to commit?"
This put me in mind of my theory of the Hierarchy of Vices. Basically, I believe that all of the seven sins arrange themselves in a certain order of importance in our personalities, so that one trumps another one, and so on down the line. I, for example, am guilty of gluttony on many an occasion, but most of the time my sloth trumps my gluttony. Real life example: Say Becca makes an excellent meal for us to eat while we watch a movie. I think the food's fantastic, but I'm too lazy to get my ass off the couch to get more with which to stuff myself. Sloth prevails!
Also, in my schema, envy trumps pride: Hypothetically, I see someone who's got a really nice car. Instead of going out and getting something that makes ME look really awesome, I mostly content myself with sitting around being a jealous asshole about said car. Most likely while I'm sitting on the couch, not getting any more food, 'cuz I'm too lazy. Sloth prevails yet again!
This theory is predicated on a pretty loose definition of the seven deadly sins, but I'm curious: what's YOUR Hierarchy of Vices?