First day of the second semester and I'm feeling quite giddy, even considering this is school I'm giddy about.
I love my new schedule. A great mixture of classes, in all honesty.
1st block: English 2
2nd block: Algebra 1
3rd block: Environmental Earth Science
4th block: Spanish 1
English 2: This has got to be the quietest class I've had all year. My Freshman class is just...a rowdy bunch of immature idiots. English 2 is all Sophomores with four Freshman and its so fucking quiet in there at times I can't believe it.
English 2 promises to be a good class. Aye, yay.
Algebra 1: Not exactly the best group of people to put together, but I hope that the class won't be too bad. It's Algebra and well, you just kind of expect it to be a little bland, boring, irritating, tedious...yeah.
There are two Algebra 1 classes this semester and I think mine got stuck with all the kids who failed. I counted four, but I think there might've been another.
Environmental Earth Science: The teacher is absolutely hilarious. She's great. You should have seen some of the answers on the pretest. Things like, "If you're in a car and you see a tornado, do you:
A.) Hide in the trunk
B.) Get out of the car and find a low-lying area
C.) Get out of the car and find your friends to tell them what's happening
D.) Get out of the car, stand in the road and shout to the tornado, "COME AND GET ME!"
...and that was only one question of various that made me laugh.
Spanish 1: Spanish is Spanish and that's that. I love learning new languages.
And here's another thing I love about second semester already:
English 1 class size: 29 students
Algebra 1 class size: 28 students
Environmental Earth Science class size: 19 students
Spanish 1 class size: 17 students
And take a look at last semester's class sizes:
Computer Applications class size: 28 students (*not a good class to have lots of kids in*)
P.E./Health class size: 36 students
English 1 class size: 32 students
Social Studies 1 class size: 30 students
Take note of the bolded. There are only 30 desks per classroom, excluding English which has 31 desks because Ms. Mott asked for an extra...
But anyway, the class sizes this semester are considerably smaller, which makes me considerably happy because that's less people to deal with and listen to, yay.
Xio wants to transfer into English 2 and I completely support her in wanting to do so. After all, I wouldn't want to take English 2 with people from our class(God no!) and I'm so glad it's just me, three other Freshmen(mature Freshmen, at that), and the rest, Sophomores. She wants to drop Computer Applications and join first block English 2.
I hope she can; I wouldn't mind actually having an English class with her, considering we have so many discussions about literature/writing/etc. already, and it'd be easier to actually be able to discuss during class, rather than online or in Seminar or at lunch the next day.
But yeah. Other matters now.
Maybe it was just the sleep talking or something, but I had a brainstorm, 'round midnight, in regards to La Cosa Nostra.
1.) Go through the current file and pick out the parts I particularly like and would prefer to keep in the story.
2.) No more first-person perspective.
3.) Instead, have multiple third-person perspectives, ala Hostage and other books(The Artemis Fowl series has that same thing, does it not? *scratches head* I can't remember and the books are all the way across the room and I'm kind of not in much of a position to move right now...).
4.) HOWEVER, limit the number of times the perspective is actually the main character's. I've kind of come to a liking of "playing out the story through others eyes, rather than the main character's", you know what I mean?
So, I went through the fourth draft last night, outlined each of the numerals with "point-of-view", "scene", and "characters introduced," then picked out the parts I was fond of and didn't want to lose.
And after all that, the main character (so far) only has two times that he's told a part of the story. TWO in twelve(or was it eleven? *scratches head*) numeral chapters(one in X, and one in XI, I believe).
Oh, and to continue with my brainstorming:
5.) The last numeral chapter will be entirely in the main character's point-of-view, and every tenth numeral chapter will feature the main character's point-of-view at least once.
I love brainstorming. Yay. And I'm actually happy where this is going for once.
Now, considering the above ideas, later on in the story(way, way, way later, well, okay, not way, way, way, but at least way, way), the whole, deter from using the main character's point-of-view to tell the story, won't always apply, because there are certain parts later on that can only be told from his point-of-view. (Pretty much all of Part 2 can only be told from Tommy's point-of-view, and there are a couple other times, like in part one, chapter five; ALL of that has to be told from his point-of-view, because it's a (can you guess? What kind of thing would HAVE to be told from the main character's point-of-view, and would be impossible for anyone else to tell?) (*ding ding* Did you get it?) flashback chapter. Pretty much Tommy's childhood from eight(though I'm thinking about adding more from earlier, like when he was four, five, six, seven...) until eighteen(where the story actually begins, you see?).
I need to work on a timeline. I have a rough one somewhere around here, but it's actually really hard to make a timeline, because well, I've already hinted at it a few times in both the story and pretty much flat out told you here at myO, that the story doesn't take place in contemporary times. It's...well, I'm not going to say how many years ahead(because I finally reveal what year it is at the end of Part one--I'm so nice, aren't I? There are parts later--during flashbacks--that will help to guide you in the right direction of what year it was and what year it really is before I reveal it. It won't take you long to realize it's in the future during certain parts of...chapter three, I think? Shit, I'm getting these mixed up, dammit. It might've been two *shrugs* Whatever.). I'll leave it up to your imagination.
I don't know why, but I feel like I should mention this for anyone who's a major, "fact Nazi" or something: when you finally get to read it(the newer version, once I've written it), drop any preconceived notions you have about the Mafia or any concrete things you actually know about it. The story is about an unconventional, post-modern, new-age Mafia. Things are different. Things run different. I plan to explain that, actually...maybe during chapter five(I'm not sure it's actually five anymore...*sigh* I think it is, though. But, it might've been four, you never know...I'm just too lazy to actually check, you know?).
Ah, well, I'm off to find something else to do.