12 Years!

Nov 29, 2005 17:49

Did you go to preschool? Nope.
One year or two? Xero
Did you enjoy it? Might've...
Could you spell your name by then? I think I was able to, first time was with crayons.
Could you buckle your cordoroy overalls? I was an elastic waistband/sweatpants kid.
Were you an emo crybaby? I didn't cry or throw tantrums very often.
Did you have show and tell? With myself...
What did you bring? I'd bring in rocks I found in the driveway and say they were space meteors.

Did you hate the schoolbus? I was driven.
Did you ever scream and cry and grab for your mom? I think this kindergarten let parens stayed, so my mom did every once in a while.
Did you have a kids TV show themed backpack? No, no need to carry stuff around.
Were you afraid of the bathroom? The Big, Scary Bathroom? no.
Do you remember the field trips? No, I think we mostly stayed inside.
Do you remember ANYTHING about kindergarten? Yeah, there was this one time we made balloon rockets that we attached to a straw and string, and it jutted across the whole room. I dug that.

_1st Grade_
Did you memorize all those stupid clapping songs? See, being home-schooled, all we did was make up our own songs.
Are you still chummy with your friends from first grade? My sister and I are great freinds ^_^ everyone else was either a hick or a religious fanatic.
What kind of people did they turn out to be? My sis is an original, do-it-her-way, kinda reclusive, somewhat hippie-ish, earth-lover type.
What was your playground ritual? Setting up swings in my backyard.
Moment of glory? Eh.
Ever pee yourself? Not that I remember. I used to stand on the toilet completely naked and think I was the King of the Toilet, or something.
Were you an early bloomer or a late bloomer? Late.

_2nd Grade_
Love or loathe story time? I dug storytime, I still remember my mom reading "Anne of Green Gables" and "Jason and the Argonauts" to my sis and I.
Did you sneak some of your snack out of your desk before snacktime? While we didn't have desks, I would sometimes get an apple or something from the fridge.
Who were your best friends? Raphael Klutzniack, who was my mom's seamstress's son. We had some awesome times together, and now he's becoming an EMT in Santa Cruz.
Girl/Boy Scouts? Went to one meeting, realized they were all idiots, left.

_3rd Grade_
Was third grade a short year to you? Yeah.
Did you feel like a big shot finally being in elementary school? When a grade is kind of an arbitrary thing, it doesn't really matter.
Ever pick on anybody? I might've pusjed my sis around a bit, and only hurt her when I didn't realize my own strength.
Were you picked on? That was a reason I stayed away from a lot of public schools, I heard all these stories of massive angry bullies. I was so scared, and I think my mom kept proposing the idea of going to a real "public school," but I always backed down because of the propect of getting picked on. I always said it was because "the hours went too long," which I really didn't mind so much.
Were you a bookworm or an anti-reader? I loved reading.

_4th Grade_
What was the worst trouble you got into in fourth grade? Can't remember.
Best friends...same or different? Same, Raph was still hanging around.
Were the field trips satisfactory? Used to go to work with my parents a lot... We had this awesome warehouse where we kept clothes for a long time, and sometimes my dad would bring our turtle pool and put it on the loading dock so we could all chill in it on hot days. We went to museums in San Francisco too, not to mention cool places like Virgin Records and FAO Schwartz.
How was your first encounter with the nurse about puberty? Didn't happen.
Did boys still suck? Hey now.

_5th Grade_
Did you pick on the younger kids? We knew younger kids from freinds of my parents that came over. I always played with them and helped them on the swings.
What was your style? Jeans and baggy t-shirts... the ones that have no logos and the pocket, like Chinese accountants wear on their days off.
What was your favorite color? Blue and red. I could never pick.
Is your hair color the same as it was in fifth grade? I never dies/bleached any of my hair, but it got naturally darker I think. I used to have really long hair that I cut back in 3rd grade.
Who was your favorite musican? I didn't have musical taste back then. I liked the Louis Jordan and Louis Prima my parents played at the store. My dad played Led Zep back then, and enjoyed that.
Were you good with book reports? I loved writing book reports.
What did you do at recess? well, still being in home school, there was my backyard, where I set up elaborate structures on and hung out in my tree fort my dad made for me. It was connecte to my playhouse, which was down on the ground. Sadly, both are gone now.

There was this one time, It was probably 4th grade, but whatever, when I watched this episode of "Bananas in Pajamas" where they went bird watching, and I thought it was SUCH a cool idea, I got into bird wtaching. The obsession only lasted a day, but for that day, I was into it. That was a fun "recess"
Were you liked/popular? My mommy liked me, and nobody else knew me.
Were you a rebel or a conformist? I didn't have definitions like that, so I never saw myself as anything except me.

_6th Grade_
How were those awkward preteen years? Wierd.
Were you ever picked on? Probably.
What did you care about most? maybe video games...

_7th Grade_
How were your grades? Good. But (still being in home school), if I did something bad, my mom/dad would go over it with me and walk me through how to do it right. So, even if I didn't do a lot of things wrong thw first time through, I learned how to do them right. My mom would usually gave me an "A" after that, but it never was worth much. The important thing was that I knew how to solve the problem.
Did anything change for you in seventh grade? I got the first inkling of a feeling that I wanted to be around other kids. It was exciting, because I didn't feel pressure and I wasn't worried about "fitting in."
Pick up any activities? I was into model airplanes at the time, I think. OH and when the Dreamcast came out, I got my mom to take me to get it at midnight, and the next morning, instead of getting breakfast and launching into my work like I usually did, I got up super early and played Sonic Adventure until mom woke up.
Pick on the sixth graders? None to pick on.
Befriend the eighth graders? None to befreind. If I had gone to my middle school in 7th grade, I probably would have met people I later became friends with, though.

_8th Grade_
Top of the food chain once again! Kind of, I was "The New Kid" and this was my first year at a public school (Although really, it was a small, dumpy charter school)
Did you hang out with the older kids? I hung out with the taller kids (for awhile, before I relaized they were douches).
How were your grades? I was Valedictorian that year.
Were you a popular kid? People liked me, I was funny, a little awkward, and somewhat chubby. I got along well.
Did you enjoy eighth grade? Maybe. The best thing about it was that I met Jackson there. (Go POCS! Hehe, yeah right.)

_9th Grade_
Were you afraid of upperclassmen? Afraid but not intimidated.
Were you friends with any older kids? I knew Elliot Cirivello and his friends James and Peter from a film "club" I was in.
Were you stylin? More than in 8th grade. Finally, shirts with logos on them!
Did you think you knew it all? Yeah, but I also knew I'd know a lot more later on.
Did your parents suck? Naw.
Do they still? No.

_10th Grade_
How were those finals? Pretty bad, but not as bad as other tests to come.
Did you get your permit? Yeah.
Did you crash at all? Nope.
Did you drive kids when you weren't supposed to? I don't think so, but maybe once. Everyone else was doing it.

_11th Grade_
Did you go to the junior prom? Hells yeah, with my beautiful date Noreen Pitts.
Did you plan on going to college? Yes
Love life? I was a love-life-loser in high school until about May 20th.
Get in any fights? Verbal.

_12th Grade_
Did senior year rock? Oh Yeah.
Any regrets? Nope.
Did you go to the senior prom? Yeah.
Did you graduate? Yep.
Rate your educational career: I was a sheltered and loved child for a lot of it, but in the end, I came out of it on tope and very happy with myself.
What are you doing with your life right now (no matter what grade)? Moving forward, looking ahead, having a good time, trying to learn as much about all my various interests as I can.

How old are you? 18
Do you have any pets? Spunky the cat passed away 2 years ago.
Who is your best friend? Noreen and JaXTonyKyle.
Where do you live? Santa Barbara, California
What kind of music do you listen to? Rock (classic and Alternative), Ska, Punk, Soundtrack, Electronica, Reggae, Blues, Jazz, Trip-Hop, some Hip Hop and some Country.
Do you drink? Occasionally.
Smoke? MJ, Occasionally
Do drugs? Ew. No.
Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? Yes
If so, a bit about them: Noreen is awesome. Even after 1.5 years together, I still love her. We're doing a long-distance relationship what with me being in Santa Barbara right now, and I won't lie: it's rough sometimes. A lot of times I wish I had an apartment that could accomodate both of us, but that situation doesn't present itself yet. We are both very cool people, and I know that no matter what happens between us, we will always be great and wonderful friends. Oh, and when she sleeps, her hair falls all over her in the sexiest way imaginable. Drives me wild.
Your favorite memory from the past year: Project Grad, beach trips with buddies, Chillin' with Brian after school, Europe (Damn so long), Choir, filming Kyle and Evans, Times I got to spend with Neen, and starting college.
Any exciting plans for the future? I'm loving getting free time alone to just learn about what I want to learn about... hopefully it will translate into me being able to make money. Oh, I'm going to try to study abroad in Spain next year or the year after. I've fallen in love with traveling.
What do you think you're going to do after this? Start writing a paper that was due yesterday.
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