My Bloody Valentine 3D

Mar 22, 2009 14:44

First of all, the movie rocked!

I have never been to a 3D movie before and the experience was amazing. I wear glasses so it was a bit annoying to wear two pair of glasses but it was so worth it.

We drive 2 hours up to Cologne to the Fantasy Film Festival. It was in Frankfurt too (which is 30 minutes away) but it wasn't shown in 3D and we didn't want to miss that. So we booked a hostel room and our train tickets.
8:20am we started our journey to Cologne. We had great weather, sunny and not too cold.

We checked in and did a little shopping tour. Later that day our friend joined us, who had an appointment in the morning and couldn't go with us at first.

Around 6pm we went to the MediaPark where the Cinedom is at. We had dinner at the Casablanca Restaurant. Was very delicious.
Around 7pm we went up to the BlackBox where the movie was shown. It started at 10:45pm but we wanted to be seated at the back so we lined up pretty early.
Around 10.15pm more people started to line up and we made our way to the entrance. 10:30pm we were let in, got our glasses and we started to get really excited.

We were sitting in the second row in the back. We had a great view.

The movie was really awesome. I sometimes took the glasses off to see how it looks without them. Looks as if you are drunk. lol
The movie was darker with glasses on but didn't mind that.
Jensen Ackles in 3D.... amazing! haha But he did such a great job. Love him! heh
Kerr Smith... I like that guy but he plays the arrogant guy so well. So it's a love-hate relationship when I see him on screen.

The whole movie was interesting. The effects were so unbelievable cool. And the deaths were gruesome and gory but believable. The mutilations were real looking too. Not over the top make up etc.
The 3D effects... wow is all I can say. With the surround sound too it was like as if body parts were really flying by you and land behind you.

They also added a lot of humor. The whole room was laughing and clapping. During one scene my friend started to scream lol I didn't realize it was her! Thought it was in the movie. haha it was fun.

The movie was scary but somehow I almost didn't flinch. At least not in because of the visual aspects. I am a person who gets scared of the sudden noises. not of what I see. But it was close in many scenes.

I really loved this movie and I want to see it again so bad.
Sadly it is only shown at the festivals so far. And I definitely want to see it in 3D again. So I hope the DVD will come out soon over here. So gonna pre-order it.

But I will definitely check out the 2D version later today at home *cough* and see how much difference the 3D effects make. Well I bet a lot :P but I want to compare, plus the movie is already in my top 5 fav movie list and it will be watched a lot in the future. Thanks to my surround sound system in my room it will be an awesome experience at home, just without the big screen! :)

Now to the ending... I won't go into detail and won't mention names but for spoiler-phobes and people who are good at putting things together, don't read further!

I definitely didn't expect it was that person. Or let's put it that way, I hoped it wasn't that person! ^^
But I love me an angry bloody man! haha

The ending for sure surprised me. Oh i want to see it again! As soon as I get home and posted this I will watch it again! Yup! *is excited*

My 2 friends loved it too and want to watch it again. It was worth the money and the trip.

But before I stop here, a little story. When we got to the hostel after the movie we had to walk up to the fifth floor. The floors are small and you can't really see what or who is coming toward you around the corner. My friend who screamed, who normally NEVER gets scared after horror movies totally got scared when a guy suddenly came around the corner and she was walking in front of us lol

This weekend was so much fun!

Alright off to watch the movie again! ^^

I would love to talk about the movie so whoever reads this just say hi! Love to talk about movies and make new friends! :)

x Katrin x

my bloody valentine 3d

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