I'm a voter, I can express my opinion!

Jul 01, 2005 11:48

I am terribly frightened by the fact that Sandra Day O'Connor is retiring because I am fully aware that her replacement is going to be chosen by Bush. Reality is, folks, with the country almost evenly divided in the liberal-conservative spectrum, it WOULD be wise to select another moderate swing voter insuring an objective opinion where the decisions of the court would be in the best interest of our country. A right-winger (ie the president) or a left-winger (such as myself) can tend to be clouted by personal opinion, and that is not always a good thing in the judicial system. You can't expect a happy country if our Supreme Court is too far to one side when you realistically realize that we are not all liberals or conservatives. Live on the red state-blue state dividing line, and you'll understand what I mean.
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