(no subject)

Apr 13, 2007 20:03

So, I was contemplating the fate of my favorite TV couple, Charlie and Claire (and who doesn't love them!), and I realized that there are some strange similarities between EVERY ONE my TV show "ships"...

Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Willow and Tara
Beginnings: So, these two met and were fast friends... I, on the other hand, saw much more, and just KNEW they'd fall in love. And guess what? They did!
Hard Times: They had that initial romance, followed by a major fallout. The whole time, I stayed strong, just KNOWING that everything would work out.
The End: But as soon as they got back together, Tara was tragically shot by Warren.

Angel: Doyle and Cordelia
Beginnings: So, the moment these two met, my favorite Irishman of all time developed quite the crush on Cordy. It was utterly adorable, so therefore I was rooting for him!
Hard Times: Not nearly as depressing as the Willow/Tara story, but Doyle tried his hardest to earn her affections for the first eight episodes, and though not much came of it, he kept at it.
The End: Doyle finally caught Cordy's attentions around the seventh episode, but it wasn't until the ninth episode that the two finally shared that kiss, and Doyle promptly sacrificed himself for the greater good.

Angel: Wesley and Fred
Beginnings: So, these two met, and of course I decided that they should be together the first conversation they had, I suppose I imagined sparks. There was the teeniest bit of tension between the two, and I was so excited when I found that dear old Wes seemed to be quite enamored with her...
Hard Times: Only, the viewers (Or, at least myself!) were shocked to find that Fred decided to hook up with Charles Gunn, whom I IMMEDIATELY hated just at that moment. Witness the downward spiral that Wesley soon enters. Two seasons go by, and again, I dared to hope the entire time, partly from my love for the character of Wes and my long-standing "shippiness," but perhaps a bit out of habit and pity as well. Just as I was losing hope, however, hearing that the show wasn't coming back for a sixth season, things took a turn for the better, and the Wes/Fred fans finally got their kiss.
The End: But the relationship between them, sadly, was cut short by Fred's death, just a few episodes later. Starting to see a pattern yet?

Roswell: Alex and Isabel
Beginnings: The very moment these two showed any attraction to eachother, I was adamant that they fall in love and live happily ever after.
Hard Times: There was a bit of angst concerning these two, heightened by both being put in grave danger time after time.
The End: Not long after Isabel discovered that Alex was "the one," his mysterious death brought it all to a crashing stop... and just when it was getting good, too!

Grey's Anatomy: Denny and Izzie
Beginnings: A romance budded between these two (as I'd hoped!), and as Izzie and I both fell more in love with Denny (who wouldn't?!), things began looking up when he was given a new heart.
Hard Times: The doctor/patient relationship was frowned upon, as anyone would expect, and Izzie sure caught some Hell for it.
The End: Just after proposing, Denny's new heart failed, resulting in, what else, his death.

LOST: Charlie and Claire
Beginnings: Again, I saw something in this relationship the moment they first met. Perhaps it was my want to see Dom Monaghan kiss a girl for a change (hey, it's a possibility!), or maybe I just liked both Charlie and Claire so much that I made the jump that they should be a couple. In any case, there was chemistry, and it soon became obvious that these two could be much more than friends.
Hard Times: The discovery of Charlie's heroin stash killed Claire's trust in him, and much to the disappointment of fangirls everywhere, she pushed him away, which resulted in a chain of events that revealed the darker side of Charlie. Of course, Charlie's thoughtfulness (perhaps bordering on obsession?) and a few "moments" between them got the better of Claire, and the second season ended on a high note, with her kissing him in the finale leading us all to believe that they were back together.
The End...?: Several episodes into the Third season, Desmond revealed that Charlie was going to die, prompting a an internet movement (Save the Junkie, Save the World!) and theory after theory (not to mention PLENTY of angsty fanfiction!) about whether it will happen or not.

So, for almost three years now, Lost has been surprising audiences with its complicated twists and turns and interesting, edge-of-your-seat plot lines. Will this be the exception to all of my other ships? Is it possible that this one won't end in the death of a great character? If anyone can break this pattern which has haunted me for seven years (really, it's getting a little out of hand, lol!), it'll be Lost. So here's to holding out!

I've sworn off Lost spoilers. So far, I couldn't resist watching two videos in which the cast reveal answers. But, hey, it's much better than visiting SpoilerFix everyday!
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