Oh, summer....

Aug 08, 2006 21:15

So, the past couple of months have been different.

I've only seen two friends since graduation, Mamie and Jessi, of course. Tried to do Pirates with Kathryn, but that didn't work out. Ah, well. It happens.

Oddly, I don't feel weird not going directly to college like most of my friends. I found that that just wasn't for me. What DOES feel weird is the fact that, once October rolls around, I will be Jeffless for seven months. The good part is that this is his only deployment, and when he re-enlists he'll be on Shore Duty... then we won't have to worry about it.

And what's more, I'll be travelling, which I'm very excited about. The oddest of all is the fact that I'll be with my dad... that part I may regret. But everything's coming together... job, car, bank accounts... and it's about time.

Damn my procrastination.

For those of my RL friends who still do read this journal, I wish you all luck and excitement in your new lives... You're all brilliant, and I hope that'll bring you all happiness!!

In greater news, Clerks II was nothing short of brilliant. Funniest movie I've seen in a long time.
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