Oct 20, 2005 22:23
haha tonight was quite interesting.
me and heather went to khols and target, then we went "running" for a while until it got dark.
we then picked up chineese food, and went and ate it at my new house. we then kept ourselves occupied for 2 full hours in a pretty much empty house.....don't ask me how.
it consisted of some staring out the window, pretending to be james bond, reading childrens books(sesame street-ernies missing rubber duckie), and doing that thing where you put your arms against each side of the door and push, and then walk away and they float up? its pretty much the coolest thing ever.
theres alot of sharp corners in my new bathroom..that will be fun at 2:30 in the morning...if i come to school all bruised..nobody's beating me up, i swear.
i got FUZZY slippers and socks today...amazing.