I love the internet for it's ability to allow me as a person to leave semi anonymous reviews for businesses on very public and easily searched websites.
I am now slowly starting a collection of comic book shop reviews. I have not done the 4 Nashville comic shops yet (so maybe they have time to bribe me?) or for the ones I have visited outside the area. I have done ones for 5 shops in western Kentucky and middle Tennessee. One of them is very scathing and evil. It was based on a few experiences from years past, though I now refuse to even shop there. It sucks cause I switched the review to my main profile. I had it under very anonymous ID at one time. But somehow changing it over made it look like I wrote the review today...
So if you love watching me bitch or if you are just curious that I could write something positive, go take a look-see.
thekamisama's Comic Book Confedential.