boring weekend post

Sep 02, 2007 09:37

I just wanted to run down my list, based on fry's earlier post of top ten movie props.

I sort of have to define my own rules, for "Props" I am only using objects. So for my list, say, a Yoda puppet cannot be included. Yoda is a character. His physical reality is as a puppet, but he performs with a puppeteer, that is no different then Eddy Murphy wearing a fat suit. To me it is just the means to get Frank Oz's performance. In relation, a CGI object, that does not exist in the real world and is not collecting dust in a room somewhere, counts.

Get it? Unliving objects that are unliving objects in the films are my definition of "Props"

10. The Dude's bowling ball from The Big Lebowski.
9. A Ghostbuster's Proton Pack and Streamer.
8. The Ark of the Covenant from Raiders of the Lost Ark.
7. The guitar case from El Mariachi/Desperado/Once upon a Time in Mexico.
6. Ash's chainsaw arm from Evil Dead 2/Army of Darkness.
5. The Batmobile from the 1989 film.
4. The sphere from Phantasm.
3. Ripley's powerlifter/exosuit from Alien's
2. The One Ring from the Lord of the Ring's trilogy.
1. Darth Maul's dual blade Lightsaber from Star Wars Episode One.

Of course, I had to also make a separate list for just swords/blades. Since so many of them just barely made my list. Yeah I guess I am a sword wielding psycho at heart. Lightsaber don't count either!

10. King Leonida's sword from 300 (beautiful in its function and "Spartan" simplicity).
9. Elektra's Sai's from Daredevil (crap ass movie, sweet adaptation of her signature comic weapons).
8. Ultra Violet's inscribed sword (another crappy movie with a sweet sword).
7. Hiro Nakamura's sword from Heroes. (Save the Cheerleader, Save the World)
6. Conner McCloud's Katana from Highlander. (There can be only one.)
5. Excalibur from the same named film. (the classic fantasy sword)
4. Sting from Lord of the Rings. (built in Orc warning, gotta love it)
3. The Blind Swordsman Zatoichi's Shikomizue sword. (the concept of the hidden sword at its best)
2. Blade's Daywalker sword (it can kill you or maim you without Blade even holding it!)
1. The Green Destiny from Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. (the perfect blend of a fantasy sword and a martial arts sword)

sword, objects, props, top ten

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