What can you do?

Aug 15, 2007 18:49

Went to the local comic shop.

My issues with his service as of late have become monumental. I have missed stuff that I should be getting pulled. Things I special order with him never come in.
I started taking note of it after the_anti_hero added Black Panther and Fantastic Four to our pull list (she totally digs Black Panther and Storm so as long as they are in the book, we are getting it). Every week, I would still have to pull them off the rack instead of having them in the folder.
First I started making sure to put them on the Previews orders every month, so he couldn't miss that I specifically ordered them. Then in an act of desperation, I made a whole list of monthly titles to pull, just to make sure he knew that those were my dedicated titles.... The next week FF and Black Panther both come out on the same week. This is Friday, two whole days after he pulls the pull books. I still picked both up off the shelf.
Last month I missed the Biography/collection about Fletcher Hanks "I Shall Destroy All The Civilized Planets". He told me he could re-order it (WHAT? REORDER SOMETHING I ORDERED?) It is now sold-out everywhere. I will have to eventually pick it up on the internet I guess.
Then last month, Warren Ellis' Black Summer and Doktor Sleepless came out. I ordered one copy of both covers on the first two issues, just to see which style I liked best so I could order that one from then on out. When both books came out, I had two copies of only one cover. When I told him I was only getting one copy, since I only ordered one of that cover, he seems a bit upset. I can't help that he is lazy and expects me to help him not eat a loss cause he didn't do his job properly. It's a Warren Ellis comic. If you can't sell that, me not picking up a mistakenly ordered duplicate is the least of your worries.

So fast forward to today. I specifically ordered 2 copies of C.L.A.S.H. by Moonstone. I was really looking forward to this book. My buddy Barry Williams was doing some of the color interior art. I figure it would be nice to get an extra copy to help out a brother I know. Y'know? I see it on the list this week of shipping titles and I was super fucking excited. With the exception of those Warren Ellis books and Barry's other book, Atomik Mike, I never order more than one copy of anything.. it's just a waste of money.
What do you know. That bastard fucked me again. He didn't even try to make the "the internet is always wrong" or "maybe I didn't get mine. I'll get it next week" excuse. I was so pissed, I didn't even browse around for books. There was nothing else I get. the_anti_hero picked up some stuff. I left rather fooking bummed out and po'd. (I also made some calls, all the comic shops in Nashville got the book. So it did come out.)

So now the search is on. I have been burned so many times by bad customer service and crappy retailers at this point. I wonder if it is even worth the trouble to go to another shop that will probably screw up my stuff still. I might rather drop out of weekly comic book buying than deal with one more shitty retailer.

Retailers bitch about why they can't keep customers. They bitch about publishers and distribution. They act as if every downturn in their business is someone else's fault. Maybe a good lot of them should look at their own business sense. Most need to stop being hobbyists and start acting like legitimate companies. Understand customer service and bend over backwards for the people that make them money. They could learn to stop making customers do the job for them.

Nuff Said, True Believers!

black panther, c.l.a.s.h., fantastic four, fletcher hanks, missed out, fucked over, moonstone, comic shops, bad business, customer service

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