Catching up on my Tivo crap. South Park was great this week, I imagine they had to get some permission from the Warcrap people to use those logos and game sequences, but they did not seem to pull the punches on making fun of Warcrack...
Finally saw Heroes episode 2 all the way through, this thing is not a "superhero" show, it is a fucking mystery show. People who also watch Lost tell me it has a similar feel, I get a bit insulted to think I am watching something like Lost.
Right now I am watching Daikyojû Gappa . A japanese rubber suit monster movie from the 60's.
Speaking of Daikaiju...
Anyone in who is going to be in or around Nashville on November 5. Get your ass down to the EXIT/IN that night so we can all drink and watch
Peelander Z and
Daikaiju. I think I am going to make my own mask...
-Comic Book Shit-
Lost Girls is yummy. I finally got the three volume Graphic Novel set. Alan Moore and Melinda Gebbie are at top form. One day all those fan fiction people will use this as a defining point on how to do "erotica" with popular characters. I never did pick up the original comic format series ( which is finally completed in this bookshelf edition), so I came into the fold recently, after being wowed by Gebbie's art on Cobweb (Dame Darcy fans might recognize that Darcy has a very similar style and also has drawn some Cobweb stories as well).
Other great comics this week?
The Boys- Darick Robertson is really nailing it with the art, and fucking Garth Ennis is god damned sick! Those guys both deserve a fucking blowjob for this. Maybe I can force an X-Men fan to suck them off at gunpoint?
Agents of Atlas #3 (Leonard Kirk's best artwork to date!)and the new Doctor Strange book came out this week. I am glad that Marvel is at least trying to put out some quality material that appeals to people with little tolerance for the superhero drivel. There are enough spandex and steriod freaks running around... it is good to see the "mainstream" is at least trying to diversify. The bad thing is that the dumb ass fanboys are still sticking thier heads up the ass of that Civil War crapola.
Oh fuck it is getting late and this movie is almost over. I guess I will watch this week's My Name Is Earl now...
I have no fucking life.