Once again I bring you the tommorrows headlines, ripped from todays internet! With the typical smart assed take by the KNN staff.
(cue that wonderful ticker sound!)
Spiderman outs himself to the press
Wow, this is a good way to make everyone forget about "Lesbo Batwoman"
Bush rejects calls for pullout from Iraq
Damn you Bush! If we don't pull out... we might knock her up!
U.S.-trained expert says shell was Israeli
As a shell expert myself, I think it matches the heat seeking shells that Bowser launches in Mario Cart.
Meth use declining among teens
Just teens huh? So that means no decrease in the toothless 40 something meth zombies hanging out at Wal-Mart at 3 AM then...
Jumbo camera taking world's largest photo
World's fattest man posting fullbodied nudes on internet soon!
'New Direction' is new theme for Democratic plan
"Bend Over" is new theme for Republican plan
Japanese nuclear reactor shuts down
Godzilla being sought for questioning
Google to buy its headquarters for $319M
I heard they found the property on MapQuest
Nearly Half of Illegal Immigrants Overstay Visas
Study Also Shows Over Half of Americans Maxout MasterCards
and the number one story of the day!
'Green slime' returns to Great Lakes
I got just the thing to fix this problem.. where is my book?