Uh, Hi

Aug 31, 2006 02:13

Um, yeah, hello. Livejournal, woooot. This is tons of fun on a biscuit if you ask me. Well today was fun, I got up and went to Chemistry class today. We messed around with liquid nitrogen and phosphorus. We froze a raquetball with the liquid nitrogen and then shattered it on the floor. That was "cool". Ha, I won't do that ever again, I promise. Anyway the phophorus was fun too, because of the fact that it spontaneously combusts when it comes into contact with oxygen. I don't even need to elaborate on that one. I went to the math emporium today, basically purgatory on earth. Blech. I finally passed my frickin basic skills test for calc, so that was good. Cheryn got a 100% on her quiz too. I'm so proud of her <3. Anyway, rest o the day was most excellent as well. Watched Blade Runner tonight; great movie, go watch it. Now I need to rest, so fun times are coming to a close for tonight. Take it easy.
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