Jan 29, 2007 21:22
SO I figured I'd resurrect this thing, one time only (maybe not) to just say a few words to my adoring public. I'd say "and all my stalkers", but honestly, I'm putting myself out there so what do I expect?
Life has been great lately, with a few roadblocks to me truly being totally happy. Life is never perfect though, so I'm content with what've got for now, always working for a better tomorrow (isn't that all life is? I don't allow myself to feel self-pity anymore because I know I'm better than that, and that there are those much worse off than I am in the world. Why should I feel bad when I've got it so good?
College is going well. It could be better, but like I said, life is never perfect. SFR needs alot of improvement, but such is life.
So why'd I get rid of this thing? Its just not who I am anymore, if it makes sense that an online journal can be who I am...I'm just not the same girl that started this journal, and even now, I'm barely the girl that finished it. The way I look at the world is totally different, and how I deal with people is too. I've grown up. I've become, what I would say is, better, and I have a deeper understanding of who I am and what I want.
If I could pick any point in my life to live in...I'd live in the here and now. And I'm not sure I'd ever say that before. and thats pretty cool.
yeah...I wrote this a while ago and thanks to the wonder that is Livejournal, it was saved. It still rings pretty much true. I miss mike a bit and kinda wish he was back, but with best friends like him and matt my life is pretty full, no matter how often I get to see them (and luckily, with at least one of them) its quite often. Lets hope this trend of good life continues. Knock on wood and all that jazz.
random stuff,
life being good