Jun 27, 2008 13:43
The last few weeks I have been seriously bummed and murmuring and stomping my feet because I must work every Saturday morning. When I was hired, I was told this, so I can't complain too much. But still, I have the heart of a five year old and she wants things her way. The reason I was murmuring was because I could not go to Duluth for the 4th of July, or to my Grandparents house in Michigan.
But this morning, I looked at the schedual for next week, and I have Saturday off!! [insert high pitched squee of joy here] I literally danced around the office and told my boss he was my favorite. ^_^ Since then, I've been beaming. I can't stop smiling. I havn't been this happy since... Saturday night with my bunny, kitty, and momma bear.
But with great power, comes great responsibility. I get Saturday off because my co-worker is taking the whole week off, and I must cover for him. 8am-5pm Mon-Fri. Eight AM. Five days in a row. EIGHT AM! CAMPING!! yay! I love camping! I love sleeping outside on the ground with that cool summer air and waking up early to the sound of birds and playing with fire... ^_^
I has a happee!
momma bear,