Apr 18, 2004 10:12
My neighbour is moving, so they had a little get together at their house for some of the neighbours. My whole family went together...Within minutes, half the people at the party know that I'm in the show choir, as well as other school groups, that I play the sax, that my sister took a few Irish dancing classes, and that I ONCE said that it would be cool to learn to play the bagpipes...Five minutes after I got there, a very old lady approached my sister and me saying there was work to be done at her house which my sister and I had been volunteered to do by my mother...five minutes and she's volunteered us to help the elderly in the neighbourhood. I'm not as bitter as I may sound...I actually find it quite amusing.
So I'm at alex's last night (after the neighbour thing) and we're planning to meet Paul, who lives on the other side of the Donway. We talked to him on msn and the plan was that he'd come to alex's house. We get off the computer and after about ten minutes decide to go out and meet him....we start walking...we make our way to his house...the only problem is....we don't actually know where he lives. So we walk down side streets here and there to find his house. So about a half hour later (or more) we stop walking and say "let's just go home". At this point I remember that I DO know where he lives, which is a couple steps from where we're standing...So we knock on his door...He's gone out. At this point we realize that we weren't walking the most direct route and he probably went to Alex's, descovered we weren't there, and did something more interesting with his evening. So we went home and watched TV.
...My family finally has two working record players. I thought the one system was completely broken, but my father just brought it home from [wherever they fix that sort of thing] and it works. So now records can be listened to downstairs without the further BREAKING of mine through transport.
Wow, that was a much longer entry than I ever thought I'd be writing...Uh oh...I'm actually using this thing....damn!
Oh well, I'm giving up and just going with the flow.