so this is how much my life sucks.

Nov 02, 2003 12:09

lastnight i left keslofs hose to pick up Graham, and Spa and megan lund went with me. megan was going to be dropped off and graham was going to be taken to keslofs with spa, and i was going to go home. on my way downtown, next to cashman park i saw a cop, who must hav seen spa and/or megan, because he turned around before i ever even got within 100ft of him. he then followed me from the citgo to fitness factory where i was then pulled over. as i was getting out my liscence and registration the office went to spa's window and said. "whats up lavouie, This car smells like pot, have you been smoking?(which couldnt have been further from the truth)so he then went to my window and took me out of the car, and talked to me for a while, and asked me if i knew why i got pulled over, and i said "no" because i really didnt know why. and he said because my tail light, break lights, and lisccence plate light were out. so then he asked if there was any drugs in the car and i said "no". so he took spa out of the car and did the same thing. asked us to empty our pockets, and i had nothing (obviously) and spa had two packs of butts. but in one of those packs, was probably a gram of weed. so we then got fucked in the ass. because i "knew" that there were drugs in the car. spa and i went to jail, megan got let go. i got accused of stealing a gameboy out of another car, and i was in jail until 3am. got a ride home from jenn, who was none too happy about this, and went to bed. now doug is on his way to take me to my car (which is at volpones in newbury) and tehn i have to go to court on tuesday at 8:30. at which time many things could happen to me. i could loose my liscence or at least get it suspended. i could go on probation, which i probably will, and i will go on drug testing, which is really just one big hassle and really pointless.
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