You lot write too much!

May 03, 2004 15:18

Hey! Still alive and as happy & bouncy as ever.
I know ive not written for a while but there was no point in a dozen entries that read:
"Writing Dissertation, Bored as hell, can't wait to finish it and see people again..etc blah blah"
is there? No..
Unfortunately my computer spazzed again the NIGHT BEFORE i had to hand my Diss in!?!?!?!
Nearly died of brain/heart/lung failure but managed to sort it out (kinda) in the end. The Diss that is-not my computer. So ive been trying to catch up with everyone on LJ 2day but you all have written far too much for me to take in right now. Naughty fingers!
Any one with important updates leave a reply for me and we can talk aboot it then!
I'll write a proper update tomorrow anyways. LOADS has happened since i finished diss & PC died..sorry if all this doesnt make sense...but..
**Its mine and Scotts 2 Year Anniversary today!**
So i'm off for a bath and sexy spruce up then we're off for a lovely dinner! *bounce bounce jiggle bounce*
See y'all cats tomorrow!
J♥y St*r

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