Sep 04, 2003 22:52
Was I ever WRONG.
That australian girl=coolest person alive.
Her name is Cindy...
First off, we were sitting in class, and I'm looking through her cd's, and I notice that there are NO 50 CENT CD's.
I'm like "Where's your fifty cent stuff?".
She says "I don't have any, I hate him. He's too angry. I only like SOME slow style rap. I'm more into radiohead, coldplay, hot hot heat and all those other electronic rock type bands."
I says "But, yesterday you said you liked him and you wouldn't stop talking about him"
I then realize that the word she used to describe how she feels about 50 cent is a word not very well known in Canada and I had just assumed meant "Love".
It turns out it's almost exactly the same as "despise".
But she still likes frenzal rhomb...
Oh well.
She's also not fat. At all. She's not anorexic like the german girl, but she's not fat.
I'm trying to think of a celebrity that she's about the same shape as...
Uhm, I guess the only one I can think of is that Lindsey Lohan girl from Freaky Friday.
So she isn't super skinny, she's like that. She was just wearing a plush pullover that made her look fat.
She's also fucking hilarious, and her voice is so cool, she just talks to quite.
But I still can't the German girl. She always accidentally goes into German language when she's Talking. I haven't even got her name yet because she keeps doing that and I only asked once.
So yesterday I fell 10 feet onto my head. I was hanging from a basketball net that had the weight on the bottom so you don't have to attach the pole to the ground, and when it's at the highest point(12 feet) it will tip if you hang from the rim.
So we tip the thing over, I grab on, and Brett and Daniel jump on to the weight to lift me up. Brett goes to take a picture and FOR SOME REASON Daniel get's off the weight too, thus making the net tip over and for reasons unknown my body didn't rotate so I would land on my feet. I landed directly on my head and then the net landed on me.
It hurt.
A lot.
Psst, don't tell anyone, but good old Dylan is lending me money on monday so I can buy a digital camera.
So, how about this new LJ setup?
Pretty swanky, huh?