Feb 05, 2005 21:58
WHY CAN"T I GET A G/F!!!! Yes, I admit, modestly of course, that some girls like me. They think I'm, quote, hot. Thank you, whoever you are, but I don't know if they are RIGHT for me. Yes, it would be fun, but only for a short period of time. Sometimes, I really don't think there is anyone out there for me. I really feel alone sometimes, that all life is hopeless. If that makes me sound emo, then so be it.(no offense to any emo kids who read this) It doesn't help that I'm 16, almost 17, and STILL DON'T DRIVE. Having to ask for rides all the time makes me feel powerless, like I don't have control over my life. I really hate that feeling. Drama at least makes me feel better, to walk in someone's else's life for a change. That makes me feel that all is not lost. I have made the bestest friends anyone could ever make. They all make me feel special for a change, not just a face in a crowd, not another smiling face, ready to be dismissed at a drop of a hat. Right now, not doing anything on a freakin Saturday night, makes me feel so constricted. I honestly envy everybody I know, because I know they are all are most likely doing something. Last night was the first night I've been out for the longest time, and I milked all that I could. I guess that explains why I'm so dedicated to drama, it allows me to go out and actually be away from home more, awhile I'm doing what I love, to perform. And I'm the first one to admit that I'm not that good of an actor, but I've worked fuckin hard to get this far. And I'm still young, and I intend to work hard and long to become better. And since I'm SOOO dedicated to the wonderful SFHS Drama club, I am running for the PRESIDENT for the next year, which is my senior year. So, any underclassmen thinking of running, DON'T! Sometimes I think I'm a really BORING person. Why is that? I really don't like being an unexciting person. I love watching movies because it's my way of escaping reality. Getting caught up in a character's misfortunes puts me in a whole new perspective, instead of my own. Anyways, I have written enough. This entry actually contradicts my whole image. Usually, people see as a happy kid, always smiling, trendy, I guess. But underneath it all, I really suffer from low self-esteem. Oh well, I'll feel better in time, I hope. I know auditioning for Little Shop will help. Well, good night all.