Dec 23, 2002 02:08
I'm talking to this girl who we will refer to as imnotgayiswearijusttalktofagslikeseanforsomedumbreason and she shows me this tidbit from an aim conversation she is having:
OneSeanhere: imnotgayiswearijusttalktofagslikeseanforsomedumbreason
OneSeanhere: Someday after I am gone....I hope you'll remember me as someone who wants to help. I see a beauty, a talent, and a scream.....and they all belong
and I was overwhelmed by the sheer fagnaciousness of it all. I couldn't let this shit go with out being addressed. Something had to be done. So I aim'd OneSeanhere.
gas the obese: oh my god.
gas the obese: you homo.
gas the obese: why are you so gay?
OneSeanhere: who are u
gas the obese: oh god.
gas the obese: and you type u instead of you.
OneSeanhere: are you friends with imnotgayiswearijusttalktofagslikeseanforsomedumbreason?
gas the obese: your life is completely insignifigant.
gas the obese: i mean mine is too...
gas the obese: but yours makes mine look good.
gas the obese: i have stepped on ants who had more meaningful lives than you.
OneSeanhere: cool....i'll leave her alone...i didn't mean anything by it
gas the obese: and those ants have been missed more than you will be missed when you are gone.
OneSeanhere: i understand
gas the obese: should i realize you understand now or wait until after you are gone to realize you understand?
OneSeanhere: realize now
OneSeanhere: there, i told her bye
gas the obese: oh god.
gas the obese: why bother?
gas the obese: it's insignifigant.
gas the obese: you don't understand at all.
gas the obese: everything you do is insignifigant!
OneSeanhere: tell me then
gas the obese: it doesn't matter!
gas the obese: so go ahead and talk to whoever...
gas the obese: do whatever...
gas the obese: it doesn't matter.
gas the obese: just don't be so fucking gay about it.
OneSeanhere: ok, i will change
gas the obese: good.
gas the obese: make the world a less homo-erotic place.
OneSeanhere: thanks for the help
gas the obese: with less bad poetry.
gas the obese: and less crap like bright eyes.
gas the obese: somebody needs to shoot that fucking guy.
gas the obese: so yes, quit crying and confusing past tense with tense.
gas the obese: it's out of control.
gas the obese: that's it! let her fucking have it! have some fucking balls!
gas the obese: then you can write poetry about having balls.
gas the obese: like fucking bukowski!
gas the obese: except yours will probably still be bad.
gas the obese: and his was pretty good.
gas the obese: but regardless, it's a step in the right god damned direction!
OneSeanhere: what should i do then?
gas the obese: man, you're doing it right now!
gas the obese: you're not a flaming homo now!
gas the obese: now you should do something like....
gas the obese: go to a bar....
gas the obese: get drunk....
gas the obese: and get in a fight and/or get laid.
gas the obese: i mean i don't drink, but i think it would work for you.
gas the obese: where did you go Sean? Hopefully you're doing something worth doing, like shouting through a megaphone that nothing matters and you're going to laugh about it all!
gas the obese: did that devil pull you back within her grasp?
OneSeanhere: be nice to me gas
gas the obese: Sean, I am the best friend you've ever had.
OneSeanhere: cool. what's your name?
gas the obese: You've never had anyone be so honest with you before.
gas the obese: i have only the interest of the world being a less gay place at heart.
OneSeanhere: i'
OneSeanhere: i'm not gay though
gas the obese: If you want the truth of the matter....
gas the obese: girls don't go for that shit.
gas the obese: girls want the boy who looks at them like they're nothing.
OneSeanhere: what shit?
gas the obese: girls want the boy who forget they are in the room.
gas the obese: i mean you keep writing the sluts poetry and giving them flowers if you like.
gas the obese: but i'll be the guy leaving their backdoor in the middle of the night.
gas the obese: because that's the way the world works.
gas the obese: and my name is jonathan williamson.
gas the obese: AND I KNOW THIS SHIT SEAN!
OneSeanhere: i'm not trying to get laid
gas the obese: good, because you're going to fail miserably at that the way you're going about things.
gas the obese: listen to me Sean.....
gas the obese: put down the Hey Mercedes record....
gas the obese: and put on an Iggy Pop record.
gas the obese: seriously Sean.
gas the obese: You'll feel less gay immediately.
OneSeanhere: i dont feel gay....because i'm not trying to do anything
gas the obese: Dashboard Confessional- not a good band.
OneSeanhere: did you read everything i told her?
gas the obese: no.
gas the obese: one sentence.
gas the obese: but it's all I had to read.
gas the obese: why? Am I right about all of this? good god.
gas the obese: I mean, I knew I was brilliant....
gas the obese: but good god....
OneSeanhere signed off at 2:06:33 AM.
Wait? Was I really that on target? I had to know, so I asked the girl who originally showed me the snippet, whom of course we are referring to as "imnotgayiswearijusttalktofagslikeseanforsomedumbreason"
gas the obese: HAHAHAHAHAHA
imnotgayiswearijusttalktofagslikeseanforsomedumbreason: what?
gas the obese: i'm making fun of him for liking Hey Mercedes and Dashboard Confessional
gas the obese: and he's like
gas the obese: OneSeanhere: did you read everything i told her?
gas the obese: HAHAHAHAHAHA
gas the obese: was he talking about Hey Mercedes and Dashboard Confessional?!?!
gas the obese: hahahahahaha
imnotgayiswearijusttalktofagslikeseanforsomedumbreason: yeah
gas the obese: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
gas the obese: it's like I am pyschic!!!
gas the obese: hahahahahahahahahaha
imnotgayiswearijusttalktofagslikeseanforsomedumbreason: he was like, i like some indie especially DC and HM
gas the obese: HOW AM I SO BRILLIANT?
imnotgayiswearijusttalktofagslikeseanforsomedumbreason: you're not
gas the obese: man, give it up imnotgayiswearijusttalktofagslikeseanforsomedumbreason.
gas the obese: it's fucking hilarious i hit the nail on the head like that.
imnotgayiswearijusttalktofagslikeseanforsomedumbreason: i'm not laughing
imnotgayiswearijusttalktofagslikeseanforsomedumbreason: but good job
imnotgayiswearijusttalktofagslikeseanforsomedumbreason: goodnight
gas the obese: goodnight.
imnotgayiswearijusttalktofagslikeseanforsomedumbreason signed off at 2:07:57 AM.
and the world is a less gay place....