find me something true that isnt sad

Aug 29, 2005 13:40

ive been awake for too damn long, and what am i doing fixing fridgerators? i dont know, i dont care either. as long as my cherry limeade (looks at the bottle for spelling) is ice cold, thats how i like it. i was laying on my floor because yes, my back is still messed up, sucks, anyway. gerald was at the end of the hall saying something but i didnt hear it until the second time "looks like we dont have a fridgerator anymore" me "and why is that?" "i dont know come look, this shit came off" well according to my very very short term memory, i was the one who broke it last night, rememberd THAT very clearly cause the stupid door wouldnt shut, so i kicked it shut. what pleasure that brought upon me (note: punching bag is needed at my house) back on track, i went to MY chocolate backpack that gerald is oh so trying to steal, and pulled out my lil buddy "philly" or to you stupid asses "phillips screwdriver" continue; so i layed on my back looking inside of everything, and oh whatya know, i put it all back together. bravo me, i broke it, why wouldnt i be able to fix it? ive been the shit since birth, bitches.

last night i had a (no homo) fuckin awesome talk with killa, fool helped clear my mind of a lot of shit, its gonna be tough, but i have to take the choice that im handed, well its not even a choice, there is no options for it. kinda like, take it, or feel like shit the rest of your life, everyone knows i dont want to feel like shit, cause shit stinks and yeah. i have a good feelin ill make it out alive this time.

another thing: 35 days left and counting down till the big one nine holla! 19 years man hot damn, i want to get wasted off my ass, have one hell of a party and wake up with like hella my boys passed out and maybe a girl with me? i'd prefer one special one.. but she'd kick my ass if i did that (again) hahaha and she is hella far right now, doing her school shit. plus tyler said we dont get wasted till 21. so i have to listen to him haha, but my 21 is his 21 HAHAH, thats how much brothers we are. i think 19 is a hott ass age, mm tasty.. i think ill snag some lunch now, one.

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