dream one (from today):
I dream't that the Mingus-Lynch-Boles Homestead had been turned into some kind of sexateria. The upstairs bedrooms & the adjoining bathroom had been merged into one large room covered with mattresses and futons. Amy was in charge of the orgiastic proceedings and was matching up the male and female guests (none of which I had ever seen before). She offered me my pick of the girls but none was to my heart’s desire. Amy than picked out a handsome lad from the crowd and led everyone into the bedchamber. Meghann and I were left outside to ward off any latecomers. To pass the time we played Boggle.
dream two (from friday):
I was in Switzerland, in some kind of vast rail depot that was in a 1970s Brutalistic style. All of a sudden, all the locomotives started to become homicidal, much like the semi trucks in the horrible film “Maximum Overdrive”. Luckily since they were trains, they could not leave the tracks and try to run us (myself, a tall professorial type, and a blonde woman in a raincoat) down. But they tried their damndest, ramming the emergency cushions at the end of the tracks at full speed. In real life they would have skipped off the tracks into us or exploded, but in this dream they just sort of bounced back slightly like a bumper car. The sound they made as they hit the rubber cushions was strangely terrifying, a loud slurping noise, like a giant jello cube folding in on itself.
The imagined rail terminus.