Aug 03, 2005 15:57
This is a BREAKING NEWS report....even though some of you know this already. Well, it turns out that I am going to be leaving for the Sisters of Life much sooner than I had hoped for! I join on September 3!!!
I was going to wait a year, until my loan was paid off, but my parents offered to pay the loan off for me!! Wow!! And how can I say no? My "bargain" with God was that if He provided the money for the loan to be paid off, then that would mean that He wants me to join this fall. So....I'm joining! My parents were so cute; they said that they were thinking and praying about things and it just came to my Mom that my calling to be a nun is just as important than if I was going to be getting married. So, they are going to use the money that they would have used to spend on my wedding. WOW!
PLEASE pray for me.......I am still in shock and in a whirlwind of emotions. I am so happy that I don't have to wait a year, when this has been something that I have been wanting for a while. But things are CRAZY with only a month to get everything settled. Doctors appointments, sorting through my stuff at home, getting transcripts, finding someone to take my job.....who knew that 30 days would not feel like enough time?