[No. 6] Shimsham on the Blimblam

Jan 06, 2012 23:46

Title: Shimsham on the Blimblam
Category: No. 6
Characters/Pairings: Nezumi/Sion, Inukashi, Shion
Genre/Rating/Warnings: humor, romance/PG13/20 years later time frame, swearing, possible OOC-ness

Summary/Excerpt: It's Shion's wedding and Nezumi has nothing to wear.

A/N: For no6holiday! No prompt in particular ^^; Here's to the start of a New Year! ♥ The Shion here is the baby Shion that was saved from the manhunt.

Shimsham on the Blimblam

When Inukashi opened the door to the underground apartment Nezumi and Sion shared, she was met by the smell of man sweat, wet socks, baby powder, old books, accumulated laundry and whatever else that mingled in the air of a room two boys lived in.

On the worn could-be double bed slept the culprits, covered with a musty blanket. They breathed as one, giving the impression that the mattress held a slumbering, formidable lump, but Inukashi had often walked in on mornings like these to worry about who could be under the sheets and what they possibly did the night before.

She strode in, clicking her tongue in annoyance as she kicked stray underwear away with her modest high-heeled shoes.

"After I tell you over and over again what today is!" Inukashi barked and violently shook them awake.

Sion groaned in sleepy protest. "Inukashi?" Her angry visage swam into view.

"Today's the wedding!" yelped Inukashi.

"Mm...who's wedding?" Nezumi's voice came from beside Sion. He had rolled over.

"Shion's wedding!"

"Shion's wedding!" Sion repeated and flung himself from the bed in a panic.

"Sion, you're getting married?" Nezumi asked groggily.

"Nezumi!" Sion said exasperatedly, rummaging their washed but un-ironed laundry for a towel. Inukashi's eyebrow rose at his naked state. "Inukashi's son! He's getting married today. That's why you took a leave from the expedition!"

"Fuck, the kid's getting married?" Nezumi answered, sitting up. "We must be getting old," he remarked as the door to the bathroom slammed shut.

Inukashi caught his eye. "Woah, what's with the dress?" he asked and stared at her, for over the years, she had grown a couple of B-sized contenders which complimented her simple A-line gown.

"God, you two are hopeless! Better not be late to the reception or I will wring your necks!" Inukashi called, striding out the room, wondering how on earth she put up with the idiotic couple for nearly two decades.

"Nezumi! Your turn!" Sion said, emerging from the shower and making a beeline for their small closet-o-formal wear, which was mainly anything that would forever crease when folded and consisted mostly of Sion's things.

"Nezumi! I can't find your suit!" he called, buttoning himself up like his fingers were being chased.

"Calm your tits, you sound like a nagging wife," Nezumi said, walking out of the bathroom, daintily towel-drying his hair. It had grown long again during his travels. Sion threw him a look. "Just give me my shirt and jacket and we'll be off. Oh and my scarf. Honestly, who gets married in January when the weather's fucking cold."

"Lots of people get married in January," Sion said steadily, his scowl following Nezumi as he went to their cupboard and took out one of yesterday's dinner rolls to eat. "And I forbid you to leave this house looking like you usually do!"

Nezumi stared at him with his mouth full of bread, quite used to Sion's absurd sayings, but this one threw him off a bit.

"...I can't change my face..."

"What I mean is," Sion put his hands on his hips. "You are not going to wear that puke yellow sweater!"



"Puke yellow?" he returned with rising indignation. "For your information, your majesty, I happen to like that sweater very much!"

"Well you aren't going to see it! I sent it to the cleaners." Sion crossed his arms in self-perceived triumph.

"You fiend! My clothes were quietly sitting on that chair before I left!" Nezumi gestured at their leather couch, humble breakfast forgotten.

"But they haven't been washed in months!"

"They didn't need to be! I couldn't have dirtied them while I was gone."

But the way Sion's ears reddened considerably told Nezumi that something did happen with his clothes, and they involved more that just being sniffed at (which Nezumi often fantasized Sion doing in his absence) and it pacified him, just a bit.

"So...my clothes are at the cleaners. What I am supposed to wear to the wedding? Boxers?"

"Inukashi wouldn't like that."

"But I take it you would."

"I would like it, but that's beside the point. We're getting you decent formal wear."

"Sion!" Nezumi whined but Sion would not have it.

And so, dressed in a white undershirt and slacks, they marched to what was once known as the smuggled clothes shop back when the West Block still existed. Now it was a thrifty bazaar that sold legal wares for reasonable prices.

"You are so paying for this crap," Nezumi said as Sion browsed for long-sleeved polos on a clothes rack, occasionally selected one and dumped it on Nezumi's arms for him to try on.

"You're only going to wear that 'crap' for just a day. Don't dash Shion's hopes, he looks up to you..." Sion said and promptly shoved him into the changing room.

A few minutes later, Nezumi emerged wearing a navy blue polo and was retying his hair with a slightly uncomfortable look on his face. The cuffs fell short, exposing his wrists.

Sion swallowed. Nezumi looked at him.

"...Sion, please stop staring at me like you're going to eat me."

"We're buying that," Sion said nonchalantly. "But don't wear that to the wedding. Try the dark green one."

Nezumi paused before grinning. "But I've taken a liking to the blue."


"Fine, give me the green." And without closing the dressing room curtains, he stripped. Sion grimaced.

"You know what, forget it," Nezumi said a few moments after as he was stiffly being turned about by the other man, who was thoroughly examining how green looked on him. "Whatever I wear is going to send you reeling."

"Don't flatter yourself. Try the maroon one."

And sure enough, when Nezumi emerged in maroon and his hair down, Sion felt the heat creep up his neck and tingles in his crotch.

"You're wearing red...and this dinner jacket."

Nezumi grinned again and took the clothes from Sion's grasp, making sure their fingers touched.

"Come to me. I'll leave my shirt on," he whispered in his ear.

Sion closed his eyes and whispered back, "Don't tempt me, Nezumi. We haven't paid for that."

"But we will when we leave the store."

"We'll be late for the wedding."

"After the wedding."

"You fucking tease."

"Don't swear, there are kids around."

Sion giggled. "There are no kids, silly. Just clothes and the shop keeper."

"But seriously," Nezumi said, cupping Sion's cheek and planting a gentle kiss on his lips he had desperately bit and sucked on the night before, "After the wedding."

"I get to do you for as long as I can hold out, right?" Sion said with a disarming smile, like a child asking for candy after behaving well. It sent a shiver down Nezumi's spine.

"No mercy for me?" he asked with a playful pout.

"Don't be like that. You have more stamina that I do."

"We don't know how ravenous you become when I'm wearing red."

Sion laughed apologetically, as if their conversation was just of the weather. "I'll be gentle. Now come, or we'll be late."


"Uncle Nezumi and Uncle Sion kept making passes at each other during the entire ceremony." Shion remarked.

Inukashi rolled her eyes and idly scanned the reception crowd, knowing that the devious pair was no longer there, having greeted the newlyweds, gotten some food and left before they could go down on each other in public.

"How? They were standing on opposite ends of the room!" said Shion's wife.

"All the easier to undress each other with their eyes," said Inukashi. Their doggy relatives barked in assent.

Shion's wife wondered exactly what kind of family she married into.


char: nezumi, fandom: no. 6, genre: romance, pairing: nezumi/shion, char: sion, ! oneshot, genre: humor, @ no6holiday

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