[KKM] It's all a matter of perspective

Dec 02, 2011 08:16

Title:It's all a matter of perspective
Category: Kyou Kara Maou
Characters/Pairings: Wolfram, Yuuri
Genre/Rating/Warnings: general/G/post-series

Summary/Excerpt: It was one of those days when his brain is a douchebag.

A/N: For kkm_wolframfans! Sorry if it's late. It's gotta December 1 somewhere in the world I hope. I...dunno how it turned out this way ^^; I suppose it still qualifies for the event? dkfgjhdfkjgh /shot

It's all a matter of perspective

He smelled of barbecue smoke, more charcoal than meat. It clung to his hair and his clothes. Wolfram sniffed disapprovingly at himself as he and Yuuri walked the streets of Ikebukuro. The night was reaching its prime and all sorts of lights filled the city, as if the stars had descended all around them.

"Aah," Yuuri was saying in his typical tone of casual complaint. "When Shori called for a business meeting, I didn't know it would be like that!"

And it was true, Wolfram silently agreed. He had accompanied Yuuri to Earth for a short visit to his parents, who had cheerfully relinquished their city life for Okinawa since their sons were already demon kings of two wonderful worlds, romantically put. Indeed, Shibuya Shori, like Yuuri, was doing an exemplary job in carrying out his duties as Earth Maou, those being nothing much. His front as the (self-professed, self-fulfilled) Governor of Tokyo kept him much more busy. However, after having caught wind of his beloved little brother's visit, he called him at their old home and said with utmost seriousness, "Let's meet. I want to discuss trade policies with you."

"Trade policies?!" Yuuri had asked in disbelief, rounding on Wolfram with his usual mounting panic, which was comical for a man in his twenties. The meeting however, was only a catching up on each others' lives over yakitori and beer in a grill at downtown Ikebukuro on a steamy Friday evening.

At least, that was what Wolfram summed it up as. Shori, in his Shori-fashion, couldn't help but mix a little 'and what is your evaluation of your ruling capabilities, Yuu-chan? how will you improve yourself?' sort of thing there, resulting in Yuuri being cheesy and adorably idealistic whilst gesturing with a stick of barbecue whereas before, he'd get flustered finding answers.

"You handled yourself pretty well back there," Wolfram remarked conversationally, shoving his hands into his jacket pockets to hide them from the November chill.

"It's nothing, really," Yuuri replied with a laugh and strolled ahead.

They were on their way home. It was a measurable walk from the grill to the train station and after three stops, they'd be in the familiar suburbs of Yuuri's home.

Wolfram watched him weave his way through the Friday crowd and wondered when Yuuri had and hadn't grown up. He was the very symbol, the epitome of great power in the Demon Kingdom and yet here he was, blending into Earth's cityscape wearing worn jeans, a thick old winter coat and the gleam of youth in his eyes.

The weight in Wolfram's chest was the usual overwhelming awe and admiration for this arbitrary young man, and alongside it, the twinge of an old wound--of the thought of him, Wolfram, still being unable to reach Yuuri despite being the one closest to him.

It was a little over a year after their official marriage and eight after the initial, stinging proposal. Their agreement was purely for political interest (and saving face) at least to Wolfram. (Of course, he didn't know how Yuuri felt and it was a bit saddening how it dawned on him that Yuuri wasn't an open book when it came to such personal matters.) "How can a Maou straighten the affairs of his country when he can't even straighten the affairs of his own court?" the Ten Nobles had asked and truly it had been a tumultuous time to do so.

The kingdom was fine. Yuuri wasn't. He had been allowed to finish high school, as Earth called it, but was soon faced with the decision of whether to live in Shin Makoku as a mazoku or in Japan as a human. The answer would have been simple, but Yuuri's almost incurable indecision about his personal issues resulted in several heated arguments that no simple Kick the Kohi game could resolve. Long story short, the Maou had a lot of heart to hearts with his closest retainers and his families, tears, snot and all, before settling for the decision to finish a 2-year Politics with Business Management course at a vocational college in Tokyo before staying in Shin Makoku for good.

Having surpassed Shinou's power, Yuuri could actually visit his Earth family any time he wanted, so long as it wasn't irresponsibly frequent. Wolfram couldn't fathom why the other boy had shed so many tears on the matter, but then again, he wasn't the king. Goodness knew the blond had never done so much consoling in his life. Compared to how his temperament was before he met Yuuri, he was practically a saint now.

"You were unusually quiet back there," Yuuri said, matching Wolfram's pensive pace and jolting him from his thoughts. "Anything wrong?"

"Nothing," the blond replied. "I was just thinking that if Shori came by car, why didn't he give us a ride home? Or at least offer it, it's only polite."

"Ah...AAAH!" Yuuri exclaimed as the possibility dawned on him. After everything, Shori was still family and it wouldn't hurt to be a bit selfish and ask for a ride. Besides, he most likely had more money to spend than they did.

"Calm down," Wolfram said, bemused. "It's not the last train yet anyway."



"You aren't too bad yourself," Yuuri said grinning and upon Wolfram's frown added, "I mean, you're getting used to Earth...or Japan."

Wolfram flushed. "Well I have to be," he answered haughtily. "Or Gunther would've never let the two of us go alone to visit Earth."

Yuuri gave him an odd look. "What are you talking about? We've always gone alone after we got married."

Well now, Yuuri rarely acknowledged the fact they were married.

And it was then Wolfram inadvertently revealed he had his foot stuck in a rut of old anxieties. Somewhere along the passage of time, he let go of something he had ardently been aiming for in lieu of a quiet resignation that caused men to regard a lifelong commitment recognized by the state as similar to friendship, ephemeral or eternal, depending on your pessimism.

Nothing had changed. They bickered like couples of a 40-year marriage, shared the same bed, loved Greta like their own daughter, gotten themselves into trouble and gotten themselves out. Was there really anything to worry over and wait for?


Yuuri's concerned face entered his field of vision and gave him a smile. "Tell you what, let's drop by the mini-mart and buy ingredients for dinner."

"What for? Didn't we just eat?"

"And the bakeshop too. I've got a craving for chocolate mousse."

Wolfram yelped with surprise as Yuuri practically dragged him to the train station.

"Yuuri!" the blond said heatedly. "Why are we stopping by the mini-mart?"

"I told you, I want dinner and cake." He bought two tickets with a flourish.

"But we just ate!"

"Yeah, like one stick of barbecue. C'mon!"


There weren't fireworks or flowers or a montage of their domesticity complete with cheerful background music. They were stood beside each other on the train, shared silence that wasn't awkward, grocery shopped like it was a Sunday morning, pressed their noses against the bakeshop's cake display because they couldn't figure out if a sugary ornament on one of the more expensive collections was a bench or a flower, walked back home because the night called for it.

It was peaceful. Wolfram could be more than content.

"...this is a bit festive, isn't it?" he asked as he emptied the grocery bags on the kitchen table. Knowing Yuuri and how frugal he became whenever he was on Earth, 3000 yen for meat was splurging.

"Fried rice and stew?" Yuuri returned, tying an apron around his waist and placing the wok on the stove. "Hardly."

Wolfram huffed with amusement and leaned on the kitchen counter. "I guess. But really, what's the occasion?"

"I figured you'd forget again," Yuuri said, not looking up from his cookiing. "And I do feel a bit bad for dragging you out here when you probably had better things to do. You were brooding all afternoon."

"Huh? I recall no such thi--"

Yuuri gave him a quick kiss on the lips. "Happy Birhtday, Wolfram."

Wolfram stared. His husband's expression hadn't changed but his hands were shaking. The blond smiled softly and returned his kiss with one to the cheek before helping prepare the stew.

"Thank you, Yuuri."

Whatever Wolfram was searching for or had thought he lost along the course of growing up would show itself again, in another time or form, if need be. Whatever he wanted, he may already have. It was all a matter of perspective. But honestly, he felt the baffling emptiness he had for the entrie day had been filled and his worries had shrunk.

He squeezed Yuuri's forearm because the hands were busy.

"Seriously. Thank you."


char: wolfram von bielefield, char: yuuri shibuya, ! oneshot, genre: general, @ kkm_wolframfans, pairing: yuuri/wolfram, fandom: kyou kara maou

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