Title: Thrum, Pop and Steady
Category: Axis Powers Hetalia / Hetalia World Series
Characters/Pairings: fem!Japan/England
Genre/Rating/Warnings: romance/PG15/sex, AU
Summary/Excerpt: Arthur runs (literally) into a mysterious woman on a lonely Christmas Eve.
A/N: Somehow, it turned out like this. ^^;
'What do you want?' Arthur asked and Kiku turned to look at him. 'I don't have any money on me. At least not the amount they probably pay you for.' )
Comments 9
I really love the way you made fem!Kiku very sort of openly a sexual creature, as opposed to her male counterpart's utter prudishness. It was a really jarring difference but in this setting it worked really well. And by having her be so willing to be used by Arthur as a replacement, she is still really, really Kiku regardless.
I really enjoyed this fic because you explored this other side to a character without losing their identity, which worked out really well.
Yay! /O/ I'm glad to hear the Japan-ness is still there. I thought I might have lost it somewhere because I dun write fem!nations often X'DD
Thank youuu! :)
You're welcome!
Hm, point there~ /chinstroke
This was great to read, overall. :D
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