[APH] April starts a hundred and forty-three

Dec 03, 2010 02:16

Title: April starts a hundred and forty-three
Category: Axis Powers Hetalia / Hetalia World Series
Characters/Pairings: Japan, Greece
Genre/Rating/Warnings: friendship, romance/PG/none

Summary/Excerpt: Peeks into the exchange diary(ies) of Japan and Greece.

A/N: This fic almost ran away from me. Well, it still did so I apologize for the length. ^^; In the end, I kind of reeled it in a pathetic sort of way. I'm sorry 'bout that too ;A; Coding was crazy and fun at the same time? ^^;

References are numerous (Google mostly, so feel free to correct me!) but the poems come from "Masterpieces of Japanese Poetry, Ancient and Modern" by Miyamori Asatarou and "Modern Poetry in Translation: Greece" by David Ricks, Norma Rinsler and Daniel Weissbort.

April starts a hundred and forty-three

Kiku rolled from his side and onto his stomach, shivering slightly as a bit of blanket slid off his back. Propping himself up on his elbows, he pulled his pillow closer and opened a worn, leather-bound notebook on its surface. A clean expanse of crisp, lined paper greeted him, familiar rather than mocking. He tapped his pen against his cheek in thought and looked out the window. The April sky was inked black with evening. Tomorrow would be perfect for viewing sakura.

He and Herakles had agreed on an exchange diary in the innocent aspiration of improving their knowledge about each other and relations both as nations and as people. Neither of them were very outspoken, and although there was no shortage of the thoughts, ideas, humble and selfish desires and comfortable silences that passed between them, they were more articulate on paper.

The question that bothered him at that very moment was what more could they talk about when they had been talking long before notebooks and ballpoint pens existed? Kiku smiled quietly to himself. No, it needn’t be a question at all.


ギリシャさん Girisha san
お元気ですか How are you? If I am honest, I admit I do not know what to say. Are you comfortable using English?
I sent sakura cakes you wanted to eat taste. I hope the pack reach you safely.


Dear Japan,
I am fine. And you? I guess we can only use English. It is hard to find time for me to review my Japanese lately. I’m sorry.
The cakes are absolutely delicious. I will surely find time to see the sakura with you next year.
PS. What do you usually put in exchange diaries?


Girisha san,
It is cold here but not so much. I would love I like It would be nice if you can come and visit. I will take you to Osaka. The food there is very good. Instead of touring, I think we will eat all day!
There are many different things to put in an exchange diary. I will start. Perhaps on the subject of food, my favorite is salted salmon, 御握り onigiri with pickled plum and many stews or curry with summer vegetables. You?


I enjoy lamb dishes and sole with lemon sauce. I am not very fond of salads except for during dinner when its too late to make some for myself or when I am too tired. Salads here are very fresh though. I’d recommend them for light snack and health conscious people or those who should be, like you :)
I’d like to try your seaweed salads. I hear they are a different kind of fresh from garden salads.


中国さん Yao China san taught me how to value food and cooking. He does not approve of how I cook with technology and it will be some time before he is convinced that the utensils you use to prepare your food do not matter as much as how carefully your food is prepared. The taste remains same to dishes prepared in the old way, if not more clean.
I value my time in the kitchen. There is something in preparing a good meal that is peaceful and therapeutic in its process. Unfortunately, my work gets busy and I get konbini meals. But during the weekends, I do prepare food for myself or visitors as イタリア Italia kun visits often with Doichu Doitsu and we cook European meals.
I enjoy eating, maybe not in the way of Amerika san but in a manner which is both sacred and enjoyable.
I am quite sorry, I wrote a lot. I had a can of coffee tonight and the sky is incredibly clear.


Dear Japan,
Feel free to write as long as you like. I enjoy reading your entries. They are like gifts.
Now that I think about it, we have not tried cooking together. Although when I am at your house, I would rather eat your foods than mine. Apart from it’s hard to find ingredients in your markets, my dishes are what I eat everyday to a slightly repetitive, annoying extent. But then the same can be said for you?
If so, we should arrange a weekend date. Pastries are not what I’m good with, the best honey breads I’ve eaten are my mother’s but I would like to try baking for you. What I usually prepare are main courses, but those can be heavy on the stomach.
The cats of course have canned cat food. I occasionally feed them chicken but they dislike rice, unless there is sauce.


Girisha san
Good morning. The nights are still cold and so are early mornings but the afternoons can get really warm. Watermelons will be in season soon. How are you?
A weekend date is a good idea. Perhaps it is read like 集まって as in get together instead of like a date date? Please do not mind me When shall it be? If I may prepare the ingredients you will need…
Pochi is not allowed chicken. The smaller bones are told to be harmful to their intestines. He enjoys beef treats and rubber bones made for the big dogs. His playing is amusing to watch. At least he has ceased his habit of chewing on my indoor shoes. Do your cats scratch the furniture? They often sleep when I visit your home. Pochi does so too but only when its cold or when I come home from work. We sit beside the kotatsu watching late night shows.
There is something calming about stroking pets. It is a good thing that Pochi is the type of dog to stay still.
PS. Is the 11th okay for your weekend stay? I am free then.


Dear Japan,
Ah those square watermelons are fascinating. Is it alright if you buy some when I come visit? I’ll be calling…or not. By the time you read this, I will be there already.
To be honest, the cats that are around my home are not mine. My house is in the quieter part of the city and they take afternoon naps in my laundry area when I’m not washing. They are free to roam inside the house but I make sure they don’t scratch the furniture. Years ago, I bought a large scratching post after they shredded the old throw pillows in the living room.
I feed them, though I don’t expect them to stay. A lot of them often do. I’d like to think its for more than the food.


I am sure they don’t stay just for the food. Would you like a cat of your own? My neighbor’s cat recently had kittens. That was what I forgot to mention during your visit. They are Russian Blues. One from the litter is a most beautiful shade of black with golden eyes. I can ask if you want.
Yesterday, I found an interesting cat in the yard. It is black and white with a really short tail. At first I thought my neighbor lost one of her many pets but it turned out to be a stray when she said she had none of its kind. Pochi seemed to get along with it so I decided to keep it. We fought over the grilled mackerel I had for lunch. I was somewhat worried since it did not want eating common cat food. I had canned tuna in the cupboard and gave it that.
It started eating with much gusto and declared ‘yummy!’ when it was finished. Not just a happy ‘nyaa’ but a real thank you, it gave me a surprise. You may laugh. The occurrence is unusual or I may have been hearing things. The television was loud that time.
PS. I am very interested in the way you sign your name. If you do not mind, how do you pronounce it?


Ελλάδα is pronounced as Elláda. Yours can be written as Νιχόν and pronounced as Nihon. If you are interested, I’d love to teach you our alphabet. It reads in letters like English and Cyrillic rather than in syllables :)
Also, I appreciate the offer for the kittens but I’m afraid I already have too many cats in the house, mine or not. The thought you shared is comforting though, so thank you.
As for your cat, I won’t laugh. He (or she?) sounds like very engaging company. Does it remark on anything else when it’s good? The weather for example. My cats often do.


Girisha san
Very rarely does my cat speak in the human sense. I can say I cannot understand cats as well as you do but my pets do hint of weather conditions if I watch them carefully. Unfortunately, I can only do that during a special hour of Saturday afternoons, when all my to-dos have been accomplished and the tatami looks particularly inviting. If I remember correctly, the time is same as Italia kun’s shesta siesta.
Now that it is summer, those idle hours increase. I am embarrassed to admit the only times I have moved today are to eat, go to the konbini store to buy ice and write in this notebook.
Do you have a favorite part of the day?


I can’t say I have one favorite, but do you have mornings when you bargain with your digital alarm clock for five more minutes of sleep? Then there is this feeling of consolation after you hit the snooze button and those intervals become the most precious moments of your morning :)


Girisha san
Those new clocks with numbers that flip? I have one!
Your entry makes me smile because I do have similar mornings. And even after I properly wake up, I spend some minutes just looking at the ceiling or a spot on the wall until Pochi comes to ask for breakfast.
Although it amuses me that Girisha san would still talk of sleeping. While I very much value our time together, I sometimes wonder what you normally do when you are alone.


Remembering now, it is always me who sees you doing your everyday things. Perhaps because you have a lot of things to do or I drop by at my leisure and catch you at your busiest. I enjoy watching you work, so don’t worry about it.
The truth is, I try my best to make our days full whenever you visit and what I often do when I’m alone at home is chores so its boring.
In the recent decades, I stopped being involved in politics. It’s bad for my heart :) I think I already told you I work as a university professor. I go fishing in my free time and sell any catch I get the next morning in the wet markets. Shall I take you along some time? It’s a bit embarrassing for me that’s why I did not think of mentioning it.


Girisha san,
If I may, I can very much say the same thing for you. Thinking lately, I told myself its quite a shame Girisha san always puts his best forward while I can never seem to find the time to straighten my house when he comes to visit. In addition, we don’t get to tour much when you are here. We always eat or play with the cats, it saddens me a bit.
Please don’t hesitate to express where you want to go and what you want to see. We can go to the beach or hot springs. I will see to it I am not busy then. Also, please send a notice if you play to drop by in the future. If not, I may get used to answering the door for you in my house clothes.


Dear Japan,
Oh but I like that.
Just joking. Perhaps the only disadvantage of this exchange diary is that I can’t see the face you make when you read.
But I am sorry about our lack of activity. Its just that there’s so many places to see and go that I end up not being able to decide. The beach sounds lovely.


And I suppose one advantage of this exchange diary is that I can compose myself before answering your very direct entries. Or should I get used to them?


Well, I try to conduct myself properly when I’m with you. But I hope we can be less inhibited in writing because this notebook is our very own private space. Unless Customs opens our packages and read them.


Or I lose it under all the paperwork I normally bring home then it gets stolen by Im Yung Korea to spread around in the next world meeting.

- - - -

3 Sept 1996

Dear Kiku,
Please don’t be so formal. You’ve been my friend for almost a hundred years and I want you to be comfortable with me. Not that I’m saying you are not but there are days it’s disheartening to be treated with the same sort of distance by the people around you who already do.
I don’t exactly hate my job. There are parts of it I don’t like, for instance getting clients whom you can’t sympathize with but have to defend lest you lose your pay.
I’m sorry. I’ve had a rough afternoon. I hope yours remains peaceful. In any case, we can start addressing each other by our first names. You know I’m okay with that.


Heraku Herakles san,
Forgive me. I have habits that are hard to break even as centuries pass. I am comfortable with you. The way we call ourselves didn’t really cross my mind until you brought it up. Probably because I have gotten used to calling those of our kind by our country’s names, we forget we’re people too.
I got the sense you’ve been having a bad week. I’m sorry you had to resign from your teaching post but it cannot be helped. Even I don’t think our people today are exactly ready to know what we are, not like they were before. Besides, you tell me you’ve been teaching there for nearly 30 years. Anyone would be suspicious if you haven’t aged a bit :)
On the subject of jobs, the interview I told you about last week went well. Microsoft agreed that I work from home. I start on a new project in three days. I was going to suggest for us to switch to electronic mail once I finish improving the mailing program’s interface but that defeats the purpose of our exchanging. Like you, I take comfort in seeing your handwriting on the page. It cheers me up after a week’s work.
The pages of this notebook are about to run out, though. Will you provide the next one?

20 Sept 1996

Your signature looks beautiful. I’d ask for you to write in with a calligraphy pen but that would stain the back part of the page.
I am feeling better. Thanks to this, I realize I do have something to look forward to every week. I don’t feel the empty flutter in the pit of my stomach of days passing aimlessly by nor the horrid crawl of a ridiculously long, infinitely filling existence.
Congratulations on your job! America did tell me you applied for Microsoft but he says you largely do translating. Do you plan to market new software in Tokyo?
It’s been busy, but I have free time on the 29th. Can I see you? I have the sudden urge to see you. I haven’t visited in little over a year.

- - - -


How are you? The air is chilly and the nights are getting longer. I took a train to Osaka because I was craving for takoyaki and dondurma. A few shops around Nippombashi have set up year-end sales even though December is still far away.
I think a lot of people believe that the world will end soon. Extremists from both sides are doing their best in their separate campaigns. One side is trying very hard to dispel all the rumors with scientific findings while the other is (to be frank) obsessed with preparations for the so-called final day. It's in popular anime and all sorts of cults springing about. I know I've said its hard keeping up with the young people (I mean, I did so in the last turn of the century and those 'young people' are already dead) but I find this all amusing. Call me morbid but I have lived through numerous radical trends and lately they seem to get more outrageous.
But of course even we who have lived long cannot predict and if the world does end on the 31st of December then...
Although that is quite sad and selfish. Compared to the age of the Earth, us nations lived through a pathetically short amount, the younger ones even shorter and out citizens so much less. I begin to understand the need of the human race to leave behind some proof that they lived, but for who after we're all gone?
We haven't exactly done much to benefit any other existences besides our own.
It's funny, after all the complaint of living for so long, there's suddenly so much more to see.

PS. See you in the world meeting. When is it, two weeks from now?

9 Oct 1999

I am fine. I'm getting used to the warm weather here by the coast although my new house is quite smaller. Less stuffy than my old apartment but smaller nonetheless. I didn't know I had collected so many old books.
I'll probably donate my double copies to the national libraries. They would be thrilled to see first editions of the great philosophers works. Though I'm not talking about Plato or Aristotle. Mother kept those for herself. Ah, I have classical and modern fiction too, but I'll definitely keep the ones I like. Would you like some? I have titles you may be interested in.
The end of the world is really an overwhelming thought. So big that none of us can really grasp the weight of it until it actually happens. There's a lot of fear and skepticism when it comes to the end of the world, so much so that people who treat this thought as if their lives have been given a time limit. There's more consolation to that instead of being on the constant look out for Death to come knocking (or breaking down the door altogether).
You're right though. Looking back, all those centuries seem awfully trite. Everyone just wants to live longer to experience more. Of what? is the exciting bit. Gut feel tells me there's no way this will end. Cheers to the years to come!
PS. See you! Germany informed me I'll be between you and Turkey. I can't put a finger on how I feel about that.

24 Oct 1999

Happy United Nations Day! Seeing everyone in their traditional clothes is fun. I hope they don't try to replicate all our national dishes like last year. That was a disaster.
Greece-san what are you doing. We're in a meeting.
Note passing. We'll do it discreetly.
I don't think people will miss a large notebook being passed back and forth between you and me.
Well, imagine if we were across each other. That would be harder. I sense you laughing. No peeking till the note is done!
Don't bend over your paper like that. We'll look really suspicious.
What did you do before coming here today?
Dress up.
No! I meant yesterday, or before the flight.
I tried eating six packs of instant ramen in one hour.
Don't you have days when you get the urge to do something you haven't done before
That's certainly a thought to keep. Though I'd probably start crying if I tried that with moussaka, as good as they are...Turkey's laughing
Tell him not to look. This is a private conversation.

What just happened?
There was a loud crack and England and France are arguing
They're always sort of arguing. I think what happened was Igirisu-san who came from the toilet bathroom passed by Furansu-san who stood up to open the curtain behind him.
...static? The floor is carpeted
Wah, if that were the case, then that shock must have been pretty painful. Its no wonder they're both annoyed.
It's interesting how some static shocks are more powerful between a pair of people than between another pair. Does that mean there's more energy between them?
If you had said spark, I think Turkey-san would be laughing out loud by now, but that is a unique gage gauge of chemistry
Huh? I thought you said you didn't want him looking
I said I didn't, but he's right beside you.
Want to try it?
See how strong the static is between us is.

- - - -

November 1, 2005

Write me a poem. Translated or not.

November 13, 2005

I'm afraid I have no talent for it!

The Autumn Moon
A thousand sad thoughts rise in me
When I behold the harvest moon
Although to all men autumn comes,
And not to me alone
-- Chisato 千里

To read the verses of your poets would be nice.

Nov. 19, 2005

Yet it was the sweet wave
Where as a boy I dived and swam
and also when I was a lad
searching for shapes in pebbles
hunting for rhythms
the Old Man of the Sea spoke to me:
"I am your country;
I may be nobody
but I can become what you want."
-- On Stage, George Seferis

November 26, 2005

I once saw my beloved one
For a moment in a nap;
Since then I have begun
To look to dreams with hope
-- Komachi 小町

Dec. 4, 2005

Flame heals the flame
not with the dripping of moments
but a flash, all at once:
like the longing which coupled with another longing
and they stayed transfixed
or like
A musical rhythm which remains
there in the center like a statue


This breath is no passage
the thunderbolt pilots us
-- On a Winter Light-beam, George Seferis

December 11, 2005

A Beautiful Night
Fireflies flitted in those dark spots
Where the moonlight did not fall
Although I strove to put the memory by
That night I could not sleep at all
-- Naoyoshi 直女子

Dec. 18, 2005

Dreams and dreams came
To the jasmine's birthday
Nights and nights in the white
Insomnia of swans
Dew is born in leaves
As in the boundless sky
Sensation pure as starlight
-- Seven Nocturals I, Odysseus Elytis

December 29, 2005

I knew it. It would be much better if I hear these poems said in your own tongue. How are your holidays? Or should I say Merry Christmas?
I'm busy with New Years preparations at the moment so this may be short.
Come visit me in January? I will prepare osechi for you. For sure China-san will be delivering mooncakes and some such. Ah, I shouldn't be saying that so casually.

- - - -

Jan. 7, 2008

How did your New Year go? (Well, not counting France's Christmas rampage)
I was kind of worried, you haven't replied in weeks. If it's about the sex survey, I'll apologize.

January 24, 2008

The first few days of the New Year had me caught up in year-ender specials on TV. Work wasn't kind, though. It makes me think I should've applied in a humble banking firm instead of a multinational corporation.
I should appreciate your sincerity but I don't. You know as well as I do you have nothing to regret about that night. As much as I told myself it was all a dream, the afterglow is unmistakable. I am not so innocent about sex, you just took me by surprise.

Jan. 30, 2008

(Oh that's a relief)
At least we didn't do it outside I can't tell whether you're happy, angry or you want to do it again to make sure exactly which one is it.
Love it if you'll visit on Sunday. If not, I'll cry.
You should bring Pochi and Tama.
PS. Read the first word of every paragraph.

Febuary 3, 2008

Happy Birthday. By the time you read this, I'd have been on the flight back to Tokyo.
I'm just going to say that though often you have the most brilliant, bizarre thoughts in your head, you act like a kid sometimes. It's endearing.
You also have to come visit me on Monday, whether or not you're free. I'll be selfish that day because it's special too.
PS. 愛してる Google it.

February 11, 2008

Dear Kiku,
If you say I'm a kid, then I say you're old fashioned. But the PS makes me happy.
Writing slowly at the moment so as not to wake you. This blanket is delightfully warm and if my foot strays, it'll meet freezing cold air.
Happy Birthday.
I'm watching you sleep and your eyelids twitch at ten second intervals. I wonder what you're dreaming about. Your hair is still damp from the shower. I smell sandalwood, white tea and you.
I hope you won't mind if we have a quickie in the morning. Not that you have a choice. It's really cold, I'll be mildly surprised if you don't wake up with a headache.
Or I can just wake you now and go for a second round. This seems like the biggest problem in the world when all I have to think of is how warm your skin is and take the plunge.

- - - -

Feb. 21, 2010

Tama is such a princess.
He rides on Pochi everywhere he goes and loves bluefin tuna as much as I do salmon.
At first I was surprise when I found out Tama was the same as Pochi-an essence of something larger given tangible form that lives and breathes and creates its own sense of self at the same time representing what it's made of. But afterward, I thought it would be nice if Pochi had an animal friend who lived as long as him.
I've always thought Pochi was Mount Fuji. I may be wrong. Then this makes me think if dogs and cats had concepts of nationhood strong enough to give birth to a physical manifestation. Or perhaps their unity is different form what we comprehend and that Pochi and Tama are something of a mystical cosmic sense.
Or like Germany-san's dogs, they are extensions of our nations that the human side of us can't contain lest we go insane.
Maybe that's why America-san has a lot of pets. Or his many tribulations accumulate inside Mr. Whale.

Feb. 28, 2010

The whale then is a blessing and a curse. If that is the case, America must be thankful. Despite everything, I think he should stay happy.
Is it selfish? To want to wish for the personal happiness of our friends (and enemies?)
It's not a leap year yet. I can't greet you on a day that comes once every four years. How are you? Has the snow melted?
I was stuck in a terrible traffic jam on the way home. I managed not to swear at anyone, rather there weren't belligerent drivers to swear at. People crossing the street were interesting to watch.
There was a large group of tourists, a couple of old ladies, seminarians in deep (theological?) discussion, kids from a nearby private school and a tall lady in a fire orange dress.
She looks out of this world. I thought I was imagining Lady Gaga until I saw the drivers beside me staring mouth agape at her. She wore an orange sun hat, a fitted orange gown, lace gloves, orange heels and carried and orange parasol. We couldn't see her face but her lips were blood red.
The funny thing was, none of the people she was crossing the street with took much notice of her. They probably already ogled at her while waiting on the pavement.
If I were to write a book, it'd be about her life.

March 6, 2010

Hera, you have all the time in the world to write a book. Go for it.
Shall it be a story of how she'd come to wear orange at a street crossing? Or the reason behind why her lipstick is a different color.

March 12, 2010

Maybe the story needn't revolve around the woman at all. Just the color orange and how a man was inspired to write a book because of her. I'm bad with titles. The one that sticks out in my head is 'Thrum, Pop and Steady'

March 18, 2010

I get the feeling your story will share with us a most enlightening take on life, but please refrain from going all out with the existentialism.
I'd love to read it when you are done.

March 24, 1010

Haha :) I'll need you to keep me in check for that.
Is spring break coming? I was thinking of staying for a couple of weeks in to see the sakura bloom. I haven't once caught it properly. Either they have yet to bloom or they're done.
I told my boss I'd be taking a long leave. It was so funny. I bumped into the Finance Minister after asking permission and he gave me a cross between a dirty look (disgusted, I mean) and a withering one. I can understand...somewhat, since I shouldn't be traveling with an economic cold but I don't really care.
I'll see you.
Help me write my story.

March 30, 2010

Hera, please take care of yourself. Germany-san is not the only one being inconvenienced. Though we should all speak for ourselves.
Recently, all that's been happening is various struggles in politics, economy and some such that I begin to understand how old and tired China-san must have felt in several points of his life.
I share your sentiments, but then we should adopt this attitude sparingly.
I look forward I can't wait for your visit. Please bring thick clothes. There may be global warming but it's still cold here.
PS. Perhaps a good start would be to know what the orange woman looks like.

April 6, 2010

She's slender, not too tall, that's why she's fond of high heels. Her skin is fair and the slight green of the nerves on the backs of her hands makes it difficult to guess her age. The range would be from mid-twenties to early thirties. But her gait spells something more mature than that. Her hair is black, or blue or red or violet (just not green because that makes her look like a carrot) and is a bob cut.
She's got a rendezvous with a mafia don at 1:32am on a humid Thursday morning. It's 1932 Manhattan and she waits in a diner near a railway station, sipping black coffee in a chipped cup. Across her lonely table is the writer getting wasted on cheap gin. Smoke rises from a pewter ashtray.
Make Spain give her a sexy name. Or maybe you can give one, with the letters S, V or L or F.

April 11, 2010

(Eh? But Spain-san's house is closer to yours)
Hera, I have no naming skills She slips a pistol in the garter she wore around her thigh. The lace is beige and clashes horribly with the dull silver of the barrel, but no one should notice under her skirt. She crosses the dresser and picks up a bottle of chrysanthemum perfume without pausing to glance at her reflection and dabs some on her wrists. She pockets the bottle somewhere and fingers the clasp of her bra before taking a decisive step out the bedroom.
Behind her, a figure on the mattress drips with wine

"'Pockets the bottle somewhere?'"

Kiku's pen stopped with a jolt. Herakles shifted beside him, emerging from the blanket they shared and grunting sleepily as cold April air met his bare chest. The heady scent of musk, the tang of bergamot and sex escapes in a puff.

"You haven't told me if this woman's dress had pockets," Kiku answered bemusedly and flushed as the Greek pressed his lips against his shoulder. "How long have you been awake?"

"Not long enough," Herakles muttered. "Need coffee." He rolled over and buried his face in the crook of Kiku's elbow. Hot breath tickled his skin.

They listened to the evening for a few moments before Kiku absently smoothed the notebook sheet on his pillow, smudging a curve of wet ink.

"How many diaries have we filled?"

It was awhile before his partner answered. Kiku thought Herakles had fallen asleep once more.

"A hundred forty-three and counting."


fandom: hetalia, pairing: greece/japan, genre: romance, @ giripan_xmas, genre: friendship, char: greece, ! oneshot, char: japan

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