Jun 09, 2011 02:18

(Also, this has nothing to do with Iceland, before people freak out)

So. You people - being non-voters and people who voted Conservative - have decided that it would be a stunning idea to elect these jackasses. Jackasses who said they had the Budget handled. Jackasses who said they wanted accountability. Jackasses who said they cared about Canadians. Jackasses who lied to you all.

Now, let no-one tell you I'm not a passionate, politcally engaged man. And let no-one conivince you I'm an ideologue. I'm plenty leftist in that I've got this wacky idea that, as Canadians, we owe it to one another to watch out for each other. I've got no problem at all paying taxes for things like free healthcare, cheap tuition, solid social programs and infrastructure that's not falling apart. I think that it's the responsibilty of the Government to watch out for and care for all of it's citizens. I've also got a fairly wide streak of fiscal conservatisim in me, in that I don't believe in paying more than I should for something or not shopping around before comitting. I believe that the government should live within it's means and not spray cash around like a startled skunk spraying it's stink. I'm a fairly law-and-order type guy, too, when the laws are just and those enforcing order are noble. But like you probably figured, I'm more than willing to break systems and traditions that serve only to reinforce the superiority of a select few. I'm contradictory that way.

Anyway, back to what I was saying.

Let's start with what sparked my anger to a smouldering flame, shall we?

Pete Van Loan, the Leader of the House for the Tories, has decided that there's no time to debate the Throne Speech - which, if you've not read it, sucks a lot of traditional Tory cock; Business good! America good! Laws good! Questioning tradition bad! Doing things for people other than you bad! - nor to have a vote on it. Why? Because it would 'waste time.'

Now, for those of you unfamiliar with the way Parliament works, the Speech from the Throne is essentially the way a Government says "This is the shit we're going with; you got a problem?" and if the Opposition has a problem, there's six days of debate and then a Confidence vote on accepting the Speech. If the vote passes, the Government has the blessings of the majority of Parliament and it's time to rock and roll. If it fails, then it's election time.

The Tories have a majority. This means there is no possible way for them to have lost this vote, barring 14 no-shows or vote-changes in their caucus which, with the way that Stevie H runs his ship would result in 14 people who suddenly become Persona Non Testes where Tories congregate.

This is not, on the face of it, a huge deal. Yeah, it kind of flies in the face of the whole "[the Harper government's] celebrating [Canadadian] heritage...[and] promoting [Canadian] values" they talked about in the Throne Speech, but hey, it's the Tories and Harps. We've come to expect a bit of duplicity and double-talk. It's what makes them so gosh-darned loveable.

Wait. I meant 'loathable.' So gosh-darned loathable.

Alright, fine. So my anger's smouldering at this point, but not the fucking inferno it is destined to be. What's next?

Allow me to sum up the Harper Government's position on the Environment and, thus, the future of our planet: *ahem* "Go fuck yourselves, bitches! Me and my buddies get mad cash right now! WOOO!"

So, the Kyoto Accords, one of the most important - if not THE most important - pieces of Environmental Policy ever enacted on a global level is, to these jackoffs, nothing more than an inconvenience. Of course, to me and my wife and (Nornir willing) any of our kids, plus our friends and their kids and their kids' kids, this is a huge fucking deal. But none of us are wealthy contributors to the Tories and, thus, we can fuck ourselves. Because they got cash, motherfuckers! Woo!

So, that kind of threw some fuel on the fire, if you would. Now my anger's good and raging.

But then there's this.

Fucking this.

Tony Clement. Tony. Fucking. Clement. The guy who sprayed Federal cash into his riding like he was a spawning salmon during the G8. The most smug, concieted, selfish and arrogant son of a bitch I have ever seen in Canadian Politics. The fuckin' guy who said "No no, that $5 Billion hole in the budget is dead easy to fix and NO ONE WILL FEEL ANY PINCH" when Harpie & Co. got defeated last time is now coming out with "Well, user fees are an option to consider to plug that huge fucking hole in our budget. You know, the one I said was no issue? Yeah. That one."

Are you fucking kidding me?

I can only hope, only beg to whatever Æsír-forsaken gods watch over Politicians that this jackass manages to put user fees onto either absolutely everything, including stuff that seniors (statistically the most likely to vote Tory) use OR - even better as far as the anarchic calling of my spirit is concerned - on everyone EXCEPT for seniors, that way we can see exactly a) what the vast majority of the Boomer Generation are truly like when faced with inequality landing squarely on their children and grandchildren and b) because it may fucking cause a riot and a protest and maybe some good old-fashioned Direct-Action Democracy.

So yeah, I'm fucking ANGRY with the country of my birth.

Although the fact that Brigette DePape protested in the middle of the Throne Speech made me very happy. There's hope for us yet.


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