May 25, 2010 03:25
First off, I still live. It's been a while since I updated so, as is usual for these updates where I come back from a longish gap in posting anything interesting, there are many things to talk about.
2) Three years ago this past Wednesday, Emily and I got married. For our anniversary, we partook in what is shaping up to be a tradition; saw Iron Man 2 at the Pen. Spent the day together. Had fun. Next year is the Mighty Thor movie, assuming it comes out at the right time.
Next, gaming. Emily, Sarah, Patti, Alex, Ken and I have been playing in an awesome Dragon Age game that Joel's running. The system's easy, intuitive and fun. My only beef with it is, from a player's perspective, not really a beef, but from a GM's perspective is aggravating as hell; the Stunt system - wherein you get a certain number of "Stunt Points" if you roll doubles on any of the 3d6 used for combat rolls - is a bit ridiculous. We fought an Ogre on Monday and, by stupid luck, the thing didn't stay on it's feet beyond one round. One of us would roll doubles before it got it's initiative round and it wasted it's Major Action getting back up from being knocked prone via Stunt attacks. We're thinking of house ruling it to be triples as opposed to doubles that will net you Stunt points. That or just ignore the Dragon die (which determines how many Stunt Points you get) when taking doubles into consideration.
d.) Work! It's still kind of balls. Emily I work from 16.30 through 01.00, Monday through Friday. Plus side is that we get weekends off. Down side is working to 1.
However, I have an interview on Wednesday for a tech support job. In Ottawa. I leave at 15.00ish today.
V) Emily and I might be moving to Ottawa, assuming I get this job!
Zesse) I've been feeling kind of in a funk as of late insofar as creativity goes. I've been working on the last (or maybe 2nd last) part of my long-suffering FFVI fanfic after a realization that the part I started on (and sent off to Liv to proofread) fulfilled the same purpose as an earlier part. So there's that. My translation of Hávamál is still stalled at verse 30 or so due to lack of interest. I've got a need to cut a new set of Runes, as one of mine literally exploded during a reading, but don't have the drive to do so. Then there's the 60 or so Imperial Guardsmen, a couple Space Wolves and a Space Wolf Rhino that need to get painted up. However, I'm not in the mood for painting (or 40k in general, truth told) as of late. Very aggravating.
So yeah, that's about it.
How've you all been?
ffvi fic,