So, Emily went out with Sarah and another friend last night. Girls night out and all that. So, what did I do?
I assembled most of a platoon of Imperial Guardsmen, including an entire storm-section of guys hurling grenades into wherever it is that they're going. I think they may be one of my Armoured Fist squads. Or split 'em fairly evenly... That'd be neat.
Also, I did figuring for adding turret and hull mounted Heavy Bolters to my other Chimera. Or maybe an Autocannon and replace the other Heavy Bolter turret. That'd make a bit fairer a balance of AI/AT in my list: 1 Plasma Gun, 3 Grenade Launchers, 3 Mortars, 3 Snipers, 5 Heavy Bolters, 5 Autocannon and 6 Flamethrowers for AI and those same Plasma Gun, 3 Grenade Launchers and 5 Autocannon plus 4 Meltaguns for AT. That would be added to the weight of 2 Plasma Pistols, 2 Bolt Pistols and ~100 lasguns. All that for 2000 points.
My Guardsmen shall crush the foes of the Emperor beneath their boots! Charlie, I'm lookin' at you!
Also, in other news, St. Patricks Day is fast approaching! 37days!
And I've finished both Armour of Contempt and Only in Death. If you like Bernard Cornwell, you'll dig Dan Abbnet. His Gaunt's Ghosts series is like Sharpe in the far future. I highly recommend it.
Now I'm on to both Fahrenheit 451 and finally finishing Silmarillion. After those two, maybe I'll re-read Beowulf or the Sagas. Maybe the Eddas. Oh! I could re-read the Malazan series, or finish that Robert E Howard compilation I have!
Also - cue mysterious referrence here - 62mx12.5m is a bit big for the prototype. Let's stick to, say, 10mx2.5m for now, shall we? Only need 2 motors at that point, and far less energy. Besides, as a proof-of-concept, I can't make 'er huge. Just big enough for 5 or 6 people to live comfortably - or 20 or so to sit comfortably - for a while and strong enough to get across the continent in 15 or so hours.
Slower than a jetliner, but faster than a car. And she only needs to stop for food and maintenance. Two crew - Pilot/Navigator and Pilot/Mechanic - can run the thing 24-hours on overlaping 14-hour shifts, round the clock.